
Oh, that’s not coke... ThaT is The face of a gay man deeply commiTTed To his best friend Tina.

Someone explain to me why I hate Lauren Conrad as much as I do. I see her and I’m instantly angry something so basic exits. She’s like if Mitt Romney was an infomercial was a human woman.

We’d already been gifted with the best possible reimagining of Nancy Drew. It was called Veronica Mars and it was taken for granted and thrown out like some Hugh Jackmen led musical.

Oh we here in PA make it a point to collect all the worst white people. Philly is no exception. South Philly??? The north east??? Trump Jr attended out esteemed University of Pennsylvania. DELAWARE COUNTY!??!!?!?? We are proudly the largest exporter of white trash in the north east. Boston will never steal our shine.

I lament the lack of sex but then when I finally have it I’m all like “ok, so I don’t need to do that again for a very long time and I hope that person doesn’t blow up my phone every other night”

Still no move to implement the sanctions on Russia 🇷🇺 congress unanimously decided upon. They should have gone into effect thirteen days ago now. But I think that’s only part of what’s being distracted from.

That something is called myopia, and privilege. When the stuff minorities or women are talking about is something you’ve never dealt with or seen first hand (and I mean intimately viewed) it may as well not exist and don’t try and convince them otherwise. This is how the how the post-modern oppression machine works.

The red one cuz I like to subtly give off the impression I might know magic or that I do water color paintings in my free time. Next question.

What if packs of wild animals ate him on live tv? Or like, horses trampled him?

And while we’re talking about things Trump has refused to do, the sanctions against Russia that were unanimously decided upon by congress were supposed to have gone in to effect 11 days ago. Surprise! no one is acting to put them in place.

When I saw the pic I thought it was Chad Michaels, the Cher impersonator.

I was told I’d be eating lab grown meat by now. I was pumped about it. WHERE IS MY LAB GROWN MEAT?!!?!

Oh I will def update with pics the moment i get out of the dr’s office. At this point im just like fuck having any substantial savings I just wanna feel fuckable and confident for a half sec. Sometimes red wine and your insecurities just need to take the wheel. I’m going off-roading, just like white dudes in those

Home alone drinking a glass of cheapish Malbec. Gascon is pretty smooth for the price. Feeling kinda down. Jamilah Lemieux put it best on Desus and Mero Wednesday; “being woke may be popular now, but it’s never been fun.” Just like everyone else I’m consumed by the news and overwhelmed by the hopelessness of it all.

They don’t grow weed strong enough I keep saying. Wish I still had my xanax prescription so I could just enter a coma like state between Friday and monday....and then do it again from Monday to Friday.

I fucking wish to god I could afford to leave the country. I’d feel bad about not sticking around and pushing back but the emotional toll of being black and woke in the US is no joke. If you have any suggestions for an aspiring black expat I’m all ears.

Passive death wishes has been the number one theme of my late twenties.

You have to remember this is the same FBI that sent letters to Martin Luther King threatening his family and telling him to kill himself.

This comment is so condescending.

You know that feeling when a poly person condescends to you for not wanting to be poly yourself? I hate my friends a little.