And that’s under ideal conditions. When you’ve just been in a wreck, are in horrendous pain, and just saw your friends and neighbors die, you’re probably not coherent enough to say anything but “Momma”
And that’s under ideal conditions. When you’ve just been in a wreck, are in horrendous pain, and just saw your friends and neighbors die, you’re probably not coherent enough to say anything but “Momma”
I’m friends with one of the parents whose daughter was on the bus, and a counselor who went to the elementary school the day after. And a LOT of the parents are actually saying that this is part of God’s plan and that He is in control. As an athiest I find it to be a fucked up thing to say but when your entire world…
How kind of you to speak for me. I am one of the people involved, and I am very much interested in understanding how this all happened.
Because this is the Bible belt, and most people in Chattanooga — including the parents of the kids on that bus — are devout Christians who deeply and firmly believe that God is in control at all times and that this awful tragedy is part of His will. I’m am athiest but I still went to the prayer vigil for Woodmore (I…
As much as my instinct is to cry out for Walker’s blood, I gotta agree with you. I don’t really love all the sensationalism about what he may or may not have said to the children. But it IS worth talking about his record of reckless driving and the gross negligence of Durham Transportation over the years.
dude really?
I live on the block where this accident happened (my lawn had multiple ambulances on it) and I can promise you, there is NO WAY this accident was due to mechanical failure or natural causes. There are no curves in the road where he swerved, the speed limit is 30, and you can’t do the kind of damage that was done if…
TW: rape
So, at the risk of doxxing myself, I live on the street where the crash happened (you can see my mailbox in some of the news footage), and have done a lot of work with the area schools, and let me tell ya.... our school district does NOT listen to parents, especially working class and black parents. It’s the…
In two years, Durham bus drivers got into 342 crashes. Do anything you can to fight for your kids.
lol you’re definitely not pro choice.
God, they are just so transparent about the fact that it’s all about controlling and hating women.
Too bad he’s paying for it by cutting all spending on alternative energy and anti-climate change programs.
Read it so you can help fight it. There are still two months and 10 days left to prepare our response.
I know Jezebel is an echo chamber and you’re not actually talking to any Trump supporters, but this is the exact talk that alienated rural, working class folks from the Democratic Party. They aren’t dumb. Their way of life really IS disappearing and the response of liberals is “it’s progress, you idiots!”If democrats…
People who judge folks for shitting in a bathroom can fuck right off. That’s why we invented them.
Oh god. I’m envisioning the Stand By Me puke scene, but on a bus. I would never ever chaperone again if I had been an adult on that trip.
That’s so terrible!! Did your mom make it to her exam?
My poop story also ends with leaving my underwear behind. You are not alone.
OMG I’M DYING. I fuckin’ wrote about abandoning my shit-smeared underpants in a Target bathroom but I still like yours better.
But DID your friend’s parents see you?