Crowbar is the designer

Her daughters looked upset and uncomfortable, too. I don’t want to watch people get railroaded into "healing" their rifts. That's not how that should work.

I am not a coward, Michael. In 2016 -2017 I served in AmeriCorps as a tutor at a youth center that provided services for immigrant students, both undocumented and documented.

I’d have the hardest time NOT congratulating that student for his bold defense of his people. Don’t take any of that shit, kid. This teacher’s got your back!

I teach middle school too, and while this exact scenario is less likely at my school (all girls and majority Black and Hispanic), it still terrifies me to think that this can happen and no adults find out until it’s too late. What dynamics did those teachers and coaches ignore? How were these kids able to do this at

WOW you are misinformed. Capitalism absolutely drove 400 years of chattel slavery. How the fuck can you not recognize that slavery was 100% about gaining wealth???

My husband said, “That’s a very lifelike figure of a white woman appropriating Beyoncé”

Well that’s no different than any other white person...

And the “no, he really doesn’t”

And the thing is, she’s LYING about what parents want. The majority don’t want religious schools to receive tax funds! A lot of parents DO want some school choice, but usually in the form of magnet schools, not charters and definitely NOT vouchers.

Wow, no, I’m sitting here quite chill, and I’m not trying to accuse you of anything. I’d like to know what I said that came off that way though.

Why are you being so condescending about this? Good teachers don’t bash their students. We complain about a lot of things - all the shitty testing, shrinking budgets, the hours of paperwork, how hard it is to get some parents to call us back, how badly we need to pee. But we don’t just shit-talk CHILDREN.

What I’ve figured out is that good teachers don’t shit-talk their students, period.

I AM a teacher and I totally agree with debz. We shouldn’t spend time complaining about students or bashing them behind their backs. If we’re having trouble with a particular student, then we should be asking for advice and collaboration to solve the problem. Just making fun of students is unprofessional. It’s the

This kid wasn’t even a “pain in the ass.” She was a star student - honor role, NO discipline issues, etc. These teachers are fucking assholes and I’m pissed I have to share a job title with them.

Yeah I know that in my 10 years of teaching,everyone thought it was hi-fucking-larious when I told my honor role students that I thought they’d grow up to be murderers. HARDEE HARHAR!!!

But seriously, this opinion is garbage and you should feel bad for having it.

Wait, I totally missed the line about the principal being a woman. I definitely assumed he’s a man. I cannot imagine any of the female principals acting this way towards a girl. Especially out of jealousy, that sounds like something an MRA would make up.

Wowww that opener is appropriative and classist

This needs more stars

Why is anyone surprised that a woman who competes in beauty pageants would not be a feminist?

Kids and parents WANT their kids to take these classes. The problem is they’re expensive to offer and most public schools can’t offer it - either because of the money, or because there isn’t room in the curriculum due to increasing academic demands.