Crowbar is the designer

What makes you think you know better? Are you an author or publisher? Journalists are constantly told to consider their audience when they write. It is not Kim’s fault that her publisher was too sexist to honor her writing by marketing it to the intended audience.

Excuse me, but no. Sea Otters are the cutest animals on the planet and probably the cutest in the universe.

We lefties are everywhere! I’m in TN fighting the good fight, too. It sucks.

You think she has a diagnosable personality disorder based on her songs?

I live in TN and a few of my friends went to high school with her — apparently, she’s NEVER admitted to having flaws and was (is?) just generally a snob.

He’s only 6 years older than Hillary.

So then I ask without any snark: what are you doing to create that political change? I don’t see how supporting Hillary Clinton changes anything, especially for the most marginalized and criminalized people in this country.

It’s about his PRINCIPLES, not his ego. He refuses to do something that he finds morally repugnant.

Are YOU doing that work? I’ve known from the start that Bernie wasn’t going to start a revolution, but I voted for him because I believe that his presidency is the ONLY presidency that would make it easier for grassroots organizations to do the work. Maybe instead of being pissed that Bernie isn’t doing enough

Uh, he’s been a Vermont representative to congress (incuding his years in the House and Senate) since 1990. You really think he keeps winning because his home state thinks he’s a fun novelty to have around?

I honest to god hate judging moms. BUT. Her house on a “bad day” looks better than mine on the best of days, her kid is not crying, there are no dirty dishes, and she’s sending desperate texts? I call bullshit.

Because the role was originally written for Melissa McCarthy, but they felt that McCarthy had played that type of character so many times that it warranted changing the casting. Jezebel did a post about it a few months ago, which can explain it more thoroughly.

This is the best Jezebel comment of 2016. I’m calling it.

This is apparently an unpopular option but, I’m with you Chrissy. Gazpacho is the worst. I don’t enjoy feeling like I’m drinking salsa.

Has anyone read Trapped? It’s a collection of short stories that revolve around the titular theme, and it was edited by Lois Duncan. It literally changed how I thought about literature forever, because she basically created a literary theory book for middle schoolers. A lot of amazing YA authors contributed, like

That is not unfortunate! That is a great fuckin Saturday!

And sharing their abortion stories! People just don’t realize that most people seeking late-term abortions are doing it because of health problems, theirs or the baby’s.

I honestly think if more people could talk about their late-term abortions, sought out because the baby would never breath, or because the baby’s

Yeah, they did. I did not enjoy it.

Really? I thought it was awful. It felt like it was competing to have the grittiest, darkest remake possible. The suicide and stoning that happened before the actual plot got underway were so unnecessary and not at all like most of Poirot. I love Suchet as Poirot (way more than Finney), but this particular story was

Love the broad generalization you just made that since I voted for Bernie, I don’t do any grassroots organizing or that I don’t do other political work. I volunteer for the campaign of a neighbor who is running for state senate. I’m a member of a Black liberation organization in the South and do a ton of different