Crowbar is the designer

I heard the interview... I thought Jennifer was really funny.

My job did this once, and made us all take some awful timed Strengths Finder survey.... all this training really did for me was show me just how little self-awareness my boss has.

Yes, exactly. Even as a salaried employee I still had to take unpaid fucking lunches. I have a daughter in daycare and a husband with a nontraditional work schedule (2nd shift) — like fun I’m gonna work until 6 just to spend an hour doing nothing in the middle of the day.

Is that photo for real? I knew she had her lips done but omg, this is practically a different person!

I met my husband by volunteering at a Halloween event. I was too shy to ask for his number, so our first couple long conversations after the event ended were online... But just as a way of building some rapport before we dated. It's not about meeting people in a random place and asking them out cuz they're hot. It's

THANK YOU. I was starting to think I was the only Jezzie who knew Hillary is anti-single payer.

Yeah, no. Hillary’s policies support mass incarceration and privatized prisons, income inequality, and she’s against universal, single-payer health care. She isn’t good for women’s health, she’s just good at appealing to the old regime of white feminists.

my sister pretended to have multiple personalities for several months. She had dozens of them, including a pirate, a murderer, an English aristocrat, and two dinosaurs. I was terrified of all of them.

That is fucking rad.

Most folks I know with kids are giving them these toys, because they found them in thrift stores and/or the grandparents had held on to them. So far, none of my friends’ kids are mutants or anything.

....No? We already had a whole war about that.

I doubt prison would have helped either. This kid KILLED four people. Most of us would have all-consuming guilt and would need therapy, and we'd change our behavior accordingly. This kid still drinks for fun and shows no remorse? That's downright sociopathic.

we don’t know anything about Yocca’s ability to get access to a legal abortion because the article doesn’t give any. You can’t get an abortion at 24 weeks in TN, and who knows whether this woman had transportation to/from a clinic before she hit 20 weeks, ability to take time off two+ times because of the waiting

Was your abortion before Jan 2015? Because all those listed restrictions we're just passed into law after Amendment One was voted on in November 2014. Before that, there were almost no legal restrictions on abortion because the TN constitution deemed it an invasion of privacy to limit access.

I know exactly the sound you mean — I always described it as “Waooooamp played in reverse,” which doesn’t sound as dumb in person as it looks in text.

Oh myyyyy

I’ve basically given up. I was re-greyed about a month and a half ago, shortly after engaging with/flagging a bunch of nasty commenters. I hardly say anything now because it’s just never seen. I realize how whiny this sounds, but being re-greyed without explanation was so discouraging.

I’m a science-living progressive radical leftist living in the bible belt and.... It’s hard. Yes, you can find and forge a community of like-minded friends and be happy. But it’ll take time, and it’s okay to mourn the loss of your home for a while.
just be patient while you adjust. Do lots of fun things to get

I know I’m in the grays but i hope someone will see this.... And that I won’t dox myself....

I’m a leader-member of an anti-police brutality group. Today I was part of a response team after a cop shot and killed a young black man.... The cops were called there because he was “acting erratically” (aka, very likely

My dad would always turn our Furby upside-down so it would cry, just to make my mom upset.