Hello Diane...

You’re comparing raping someone to flipping the bird.

Male swimmer sexually assaults a woman: “30 seconds of bad decisions should not ruin his life!”

Female soccer play flips the bird: “BURN THE WITCH!”

Got it.
Out of curiosity, if she wins...will she flip the double bird in court? I hope so.

That poor tree. Killed to make about the ugliest Christmas Tree ever.

Oh stop with this “Blow to the head” bullshit. We’ve established with our upcoming presidential administration that Global Warming and the Theory of Evolution are myths.

Contempt for the guy who just hit him in the head during a slide? Imagine that.

Not a Cam Newton fan by any stretch of the imagination, but sweet pogo hopping Christ. Fuck the NFL.

Fuck that. She has magnificent boobs and she should share them with the world if that’s what she so desires.

Nah. When Mariah sings “I’m a press conference, you’re a conversation” in an R&B/pop song, you’re done. Eminem is a great lyricist but he didn’t go after ANY hip hop heavyweights because he knew better. His targets were all pop starlets and that says more about him than it does any of the people he targeted.

Points for playing along

Eminem didn’t do shit to her career. He only goes after pop stars, and this one clapped back with a song that went to #7 on the Hot 100. He better be glad his career survived.

I don’t know who you are

These motherfuckers. Pro-life my ass.

You’re just awful. I don’t see how mentioning someone’s actual given name in this circumstance is a counterpoint to the OP’s assertion that using online handles cheapens the esports scene. At best, commentary that is obtuse and juvenile, and at worst, vaguely racist and incredibly ignorant.

Please tell us how funny black names are...

That’s a horrible counterpoint

Yeah, cuz there’s just so many roles for Asian actors, let’s just change them all so the white actors can have their share.

Yeah, it was still not okay to seek out an Asian person you don’t know to have the white person guilt convo, and that is really how it looks to me. She joked about it afterward, but the feelings of having to hear/witness/be asked to be in that conversation must have been maddening.

Well, here’s how these conversations feel as a person of color. A white person reaches out to you sometimes - as the only POC that they know. “Hey, can you explain this one thing to me?” Like, I’m Mexican-American, so they might say, for example, “Hey, can you tell me why people think Speedy Gonzales was a negative

These are the types of women who think that their husbands are giving them jewelry because they’re beautiful and great, when in fact the husbands are doing it to distract from their philandering.

Holllllly Moly how much peroxide is in that picture