Hello Diane...

Allow me to mansplain: on Tinder he wouldn’t be able to hedge rejection with the woman’s fear or threat of getting a traffic ticket... On Tinder women have the right to reject someone with little consequence and that’s just not fair to him!!!!

I think he was performing at the Super Bowl one year and my super cynical father took a moment from bashing whatever it was he was bashing and stared at the screen in silence for the the remainder of his performance. When Bruno was done, all my dad said was, “wow, that guy is talented”.

Am I the only one that places the blame on the shithead motorists driving too fast for conditions over the top of a hill?

“It appreciates black cultural contributions, just not the black people who made it.”

Having grown up in Oklahoma, I recognize that State as a special place: It appreciates black cultural contributions, just not the black people who made it. I remember Donny Hathway’s version being played over various stores’ speakers- as it should. It’s a great song.

You took your best shot at a salient point, but whiffed with concern trolling. A solid C- effort.

If she wants to be annoyed at people making Twitter threads, then good- I’m with her. That said, if she’s going to make the complaint “man-centric” she should use examples of men actually mansplaining something to women. None of these examples did that.

This was literally a “shut up men” post for the sake of being

“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

They’re trying so hard to be weird.

From the way sone of these commenters are freaking out, i thought lakeith had snatched the mike out of lasally’s hand, slobbed on leslie mann, and took a shit on stage.

Yeezy taught me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The only person who pulled this off was the ODB, Rest in Peace.

Sounds like the executive produce of Silicon Valley needs to start watching Atlanta.

oh god pantsuit nation is 100% now people just bragging about their kids but making it super ‘gracious’ political brags instead of normal grade and achievement bragging. It’s unbearable.

Oh my god, this.

I believe that love IS the answer ... but not the kind of passive, feel-good, saccharine platitudes and symbolic kind deeds that Van Jones seems to be talking about. The kind of love that we need is challenging and revolutionary and ACTIVE, and it isn’t the same thing as simple niceness.

It’s not a black-white clip until someone calls the black guy lazy.

See if you can fit this around your brain, Adolph Rupp. It’s close to the end of the quarter (high schools play quarters). The offense is running down the clock to get a last shot. The defense isn’t fouling BECAUSE IT WOULD MEAN A ONE-AND-ONE. The

Your whiteness is showing.