Hello Diane...

That was such a quick, lighting-like strike. If only there was a German word for it.

Trump is the Voltron of everything they hated about past Democratic presidential candidates:

By a GOP House? Ha!

Blacksploitation straddles the strange fence that separates black cinematic representation in a time when Hollywood wore its racism on its sleeve and stereotypical fiction beloved by white racists (i have never met a white person who loved blacksploitation movies who wasn’t a bigot)

1. All those people were wearing BLM t-shirts in solidarity with people of the black community who are being harassed and murdered by police, thrown in jail, and discriminated against in everything from housing to finding a job. Raising awareness is important, and so is stepping out of your bubble for a second and

Dude, you are the epitome of thinking equality is oppression.

Social justice has not improved much of anything for people of color. Rather it’s just made things slightly shittier for white people.

My younger son’s school celebrated Black Lives Matter day and all the teachers were wearing BLM shirts and it had honestly never once occurred to my 9 year old that black lives didn’t matter.

You are complaining that POC and women want to be treated like human beings? Complaining that BLM was supported in your children’s schools? Really? Black people and other people of color are being MURDERED by police and NOTHING is happening, and your outrage is that BLM dared to come to your white neighborhood?

Tl;dr White men for once had their feelings hurt, and they voted due to FEELINGS.

Here’s why this matters. I am 32 years old. I still have very distinct memories of my second grade class celebrating Black history month February 1993, and wondering to myself how much longer this month would go on- Because at 8, I did not understand the importance of taking a moment to single out Black American’s

Since you’re impotent that point is pretty meaningless.

Phil Jackson and Maverick Carter should sit down and talk about this, they are kindred spirits.

The rest of Phil’s quote kinda shows his hand. He praised the posse for their “incredible athleticism” and complimented how “well-spoken” they were.

Look at that shit, though! Six faces on the poster, five black, one white. Three actor names on the poster, one black, two white.

This. I have been a Warriors fan for 30+ years, and 99% of my experience has been disappointment and heartbreak, I am more than used to it. Losing in the Finals up 3-1 is still the second best thing that’s ever happened to us.

I know a lot of Warriors fans, living in Northern California, and they aren’t that devastated or get all angry or sad when 3-1 is brought up. They just shrug and like, “yep”. I think this is the kind of burn that is better directed at the players.

Safety pins = #NotAllWhitePeople in physical form.

It’s that look... like when you squeeze out a fart, but maybe shit yourself.

Easy he said a bunch of racist misogonist hateful things that were dwelling deep down in a portion of the population that’s getting left behind (uneducated white people) who feel they deserve better for no reason other than it was good enough before. Sorry being white and having nothing to offer the world besides a