Hello Diane...

What’s that little dot that just flew over your head?

SVG doesn’t throw shade, he casts it.

Today has been a super weird day. I always knew that as a Latino I wasn’t respected and thought of as lesser than by a lot of people. It’s been going on my while life. But the level of support this guy got is something that I still can’t believe. I’ve been at a loss for words most of the day. I’m glad people like Stan

That’s ok. The important thing is that we’ve kicked off a Trump presidency by debating who is or isn’t a purebreed white person.

She’s purebred German. That’s a 9 or 10 on the scale.

You know that many people in Brazil, while a minority, are ethnic Europeans, right? That whole colonization may be familiar with another American country or two where this happened.

White people born in countries with a majority non-white population are still, wait for it, white people.

Take a page out of your First Buddy’s playbook and follow your wife’s lead.

Hey, shitty white male assholes have pretty much run things for a while, you’ve borne it this long just like, stay strong man.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I thought Brexit was Bad.....but turns it out it was just the warm up act. I look forward to seeing George A Romero’s vision coming true. The Zombie Apocolypse can’t come quickly enough.

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.

You are 100% correct.

No offense but we blacks have been trying to convince white liberals that this country is as incredibly racist very long time now, but it was a backburner issue until it metastasized and is ready to kill everyone.

The number of white women voting Trump shocked me. Even college-educated white women broke Trump in most places.

As ALSO a white male Clinton supporter, fuck YOU.


Keep it at white people and white men. Minority men tried to save this country. More than white women.

Yup , fuck me up the ass with a bag of cheetos .