fyi, that’s all shake. Pretty ingenious to wrap it up in a convenient package.
fyi, that’s all shake. Pretty ingenious to wrap it up in a convenient package.
It’s been happening in universities for ages. It’s not just a Howard thing.
There may also have been fake students created under this system so that could have allowed $ shifted from them to the embezzlers, but I can’t really say for certain.
I co-sign on every 👏🏾single👏🏾point👏🏾
Clean up! Aisle 6
Everything sadiddy in me says I should not see this but if I were to go this is the way to do it.
Also - Shout out to beloved HU. YOU KNOW!
Yeah, did Earn have to hand over the whole 4K?
Oh so once you reach 36 your daily visits don’t mean anything.
You mean sex Mutombo...
Long time Ad Guy here. I’ve seen worse research. As a matter of fact, the concept of actually acknowledging POC is so rare I’ll grade this on a curve and give it a C-.
Commerce Clause!! If they don’t accept it then a lot of other cases are affected.
In the realm but a side story. Played poker with a group of smart ass white boy tech bros. One of them called me stupid.
whoops! You are correct.
If my momma calls em Cousin, I’ma call em Cousin.
It’s Milly Gown.
Oh St. Louis Misery, you never let me down.