Methinks thou dost project.
Yeah, unless someone invites me to their SuperBowl party I’ve got a nice backlog of shows to catch up with on my couch.
Can we add alternate scenes for the DVD extras?
I hope the DC acts because like you, I think she’s guilty AF. I just can’t remember any big wigs who actually served time for lying to Congress since the Reagan era.
Definitely doing this tomorrow. I’ll miss Steak-umms and if I want a drink I’ll make some sugar water and squeeze some lemon in it.
Now you know that ain’t happening given all the lies yakubians do on the daily. But I guess we can all dream and try to speak it into reality.
I’ve got this album in constant play.
I thought phone companies couldn’t even recognize rotary phones.
It housed a regional IRS office.
Spike’s Da Sweet Blood of Jesus attempted this. Not totally a vampire movie and it looked great but the story just went sideways.
My mom was The Queen Of Dollar Stretchers so growing up we had Wylers
Shit from Area51.
Darn it’s dusty in here.
My grandma would say, “the Lord takes care of the crazy, the sick, and the little children.” I wonder if these folks would be included.
Oh and how about Bama’s Kenneth Bone staunchly defending how different things were 40 years ago only to find out his mee-maw had been married off at 13 herself. So I guess he’ll be honored if 30+ year olds start coming around his house to go a courtin his 13 year old. I honestly didn’t know of folks who even allowed…
We don’t allow, we tolerate. We tolerate to survive, and we have tolerated to show those who doubt our humanity exactly what it is to be a human.