Hello Diane...

Helpful Hint #241 - If you carry yourself well,  said Uncles will signal you to join them on a trip to the carpark to sample the Brown Liquor.

Extra ⭐️ for the Jan.

This. It’s also a good explainer of the projection of fears, stereotypes, and aggressive behavior by the majority against anyone different. Since they don’t know, they can fill in the blanks with whatever they want. Non-whites don’t have that luxury.

I know my family isn’t giving up the land we’ve owned since we could own land. Yeah, that far back.

I may be a Howard Man, but I still have love for them Mighty Marching Hornets of ASU & them Honey Bees

Dude, if you go back through his routines he calls himself white. So even he doesn’t back your claim.

She got merked at the polls. (73%/27%)

Whelp, time to whip this one out again.


Yup. This article speaks the truth. Maybe it’s because I overheard too many stories from the women in my family from the earliest days but it does not have to be that hard to check another man the second he starts. My ego getting bruised is better than the harm from such poison put upon our women and girls.

Dude, you tone policed a person who literally would be the target to be killed. Just stop and think about how insulting that is.

And the silly thing that they just don’t get is that those cops are also ignoring the constitutional rights and killing white people with impunity.

I hear where you’re coming from but frankly, YOU ARE NOT THEIR TARGET! I really hope you can get it through your head how insulting it is to have someone who is not the target have to deal with you tone policing them. You know what, fuck it. You’ll just be “we have to be better than them” while all the targets of

Part of it goes back to when the Japanese beat the Russians at the start of the 20th century.  

or Great Zimbabwe.

Trust me, he’ll love it! It will also be his early lesson in explaining Black Excellence to clueless wypipo.

This deserves a Milky Way full of stars. I don’t think white America truly understands how completely over it Black America is with things now. When shit goes down there’s going to be a heaping serving of indifference from the folks who literally spent over two and a half centuries trying to tell them to get their

the Wakanda of the real world