Hello Diane...

Montgomery turns itself from a town to a city when Turkey Day comes along.  You’re right about having to deal with getting a plate, but you’re not sad about it because you got to sample some true down home cooking in the parking lot from the folks who go to your grandma’s church or the fellows from grandaddy’s Elk

You got a two-piece? What you got? Wings don’t count, and don’t give me some stepped on stuff ya’herd?

I remember seeing this with a group of fellow grad school students when it hit the video store. While it was a horror movie, the sheer whiteness of it had us immediately turn it into a comedy. The scene where Virginia Madsen whitesplains what a thesis is to a resident had us going “I’m writing a THE-sis. Do you know

I bet it’s those Beckys who tried to start trouble on campus a couple of months ago.

But you know what I didn’t have to deal with?

Sadly, that shirt thing is true. I’m strengthening my backhand and stocking away bail money for the day I see some Chad, Brad, Tyler or Becky walking down Mission street wearing this abomination.

Same to you fellow Bison. Sadly, I can’t make it to the Sesquicentennial. But thank you for sharing this clip. Nothing like hearing that Go Go beat.

Reared against the eastern sky
Proudly there on hilltop high,
Far above the lake so blue
Stands old Howard firm and true.There she stands for truth and right,
Sending forth her rays of light,
Clad in robes of majesty;
O Howard, we sing of thee.Be thou still our guide and stay
Leading us from day to day;
Make us true and leal

I brought you out of the Grays just for that.

Gat Dayum you get all the stars!

oh her name on adult friend finder “BeckyForBBC”

I’m getting more of a Darth Susan vibe...

This guy could tell you a few things...

The Jump is pretty good, and Rachel Nichols has been relatively outspoken about the “Stick to sports” BS. Michelle Beadle just this morning called out Jerry Jones for showing his true colors with his threats today. Rachel’s said more but she keeps this pinned on her thread.

It would definitely help.

I’d recommend you watch the movie Hollywood Shuffle. You’ll get an idea there.

If it has to be explained there’s a good chance the ad failed. It’s why creative goes through so many iterations.

Mine too!

White folks cape for those three. Denard is deritus