Hello Diane...

Here, take all of these, I wish I could give more.

The foundational rule of Seinfeld was No Hugging, No Learning. He and Larry David even said it in Curb.

It’s common sense who I would prefer but thanks again for putting responsibility to be the lesson plan for those who deliver the aggression. I’ve been on this planet dealing with thousands of days that did not have to be rotten because others can’t act like a decent human being. Just stating that frustration, but

Pictured when not in his cape

I do get that contact is the way to break down these attitudes, but that means the target of the bile has to tolerate it (or suffer the abuse) till the instigator learns their lesson. Some of us really REALLY don’t have the time to be someone else’s lesson and go through psychological/physical abuse for them to act

Come on now you should know Shade 101 is not having to tell someone they’re ugly for they already know it. You do not mention ugly or in this case leadership.

Send the towels! Send the towels! Send the towels.

I appreciate your optimism but as stated below by Fern 27% (~30MM Americans) can’t and won’t believe anything else. They are armed and can’t stand anything that disproves their world view. Too many of them believe in sex rings in basements that don’t exist. They hate intrusive big government and everyone of the

Look, “grab em by the pussy” and mocking the disabled is already on tape and they’ve stuck with him. These 👏🏾 Folks👏🏾Do👏🏾Not 👏🏾Give👏🏾A👏🏾Fuck.

I’ve gotta knock Florida down a couple of notches for the whole Black Jesus thing and not letting James go work on the pipeline up in Alaska. James would still be alive if he had taken that job!

Events like this create leaders. Meanwhile, I’ll just leave this here...

Comey was asking for more resources and cash to dig deeper.

White America let them have both chambers TWICE!

That is a quality brekkie. Even better when hungover.

Strauss was pretty good. An excellent mix of insight and lets not take this too serious. Also a good source of Bossa Nova.

Yeah Sundial Brands owns it and thus different folks are running things.

Hi, California here. We’re a little higher up on the chart there pleigh-boy...

True, but there are opportunity costs that are the result of these actions.

Excellent name