Hello Diane...

Brilliant definition. I also call ‘Reverse Discrimination’

1. Damon Young over at The Root is like a Marvel Universe crossover.

Sure does

Don’t worry, I’m on it...

The moment when you’re about to check Office Favorite Becky for saying something dumb AF during the meeting at work

You mean Sauget?

I’m leaning more towards he set the terms for his staying or leaving. An overtly diplomatic shot across the bow.

28+3 is 31.

Black Planet still exists? Btw, nice round up of what’s going on.

oops sorry about that. He’s still in the neighborhood and nothing seems to have been done.

How else are we to find out if the 2nd Amendment is an alternative fact?

Nope, they were Black people who heard that the cop in question was back to patrolling the neighborhood. They were testing if the 2nd amendment applies to only certain folks.

10 day suspension and he was assigned to patrol the area which included Jacqueline Craig’s home. Which is freakin scary.

And apparently you do too!

Seems as though President Hawkins has decided to cast down his bucket in the waters of Booker T. for his school’s survival.


But it is. We just had another swing of the pendulum that always happens in American history. Emancipation and Reconstruction followed by Jim Crow. Busing and housing integration followed by White flight hyper segregation. Black President followed by White President endorsed by the KKK

It leaves you where your grandparents and their parents were. Dealing with institutions and individuals who don’t like you or don’t care about you having the same rights as them. They survived to make their lives and their kids lives a little bit better despite the actions of those who only love their tribe and