
Sure, of course it happens. It is just fairly rare because most victims fear the legal process and social shaming. And it's troubling when the number of false accusation prosecutions starts to get as high as the number of actual prosecutions for rape. If more rape cases were brought to trial, I wouldn't have any

And yet another reason women hesitate to report a rape.


The picture at 1:22 is creepy af. She's posing w/ toys while covering her chest area, implying there's something there to cover. If she was bare and not hiding her chest, it would come off more natural and innocent. And yes, she's clearly beautiful facially but I thought supermodel means also having a super body and

Every time there's turbulence I act as if it's my last minutes lol. I've had strangers hold my hand to calm down. I'm happy I'm of age to get wasted on flights now because it's the only way I can deal.

My mom gets me Xanax from her girlfriend. I feel you.

I am 100% with you. I was just telling my partner that we may have to steal some of my most treasured ornaments from my parents this year. There are so many great ones (and so many, many arguments)!

Beyonce is basic as fuck.

At which point do you just pass on the tree and simply decorate a large green cone? You don't need a tree if you can't see it at all. (I find the one above both incredibly over the top/kitschy and oddly beautiful. It's a weird sensation to have.)

Exactly. My two hours at the airport aren't spent exclusively on boozing, I've just found that if I arrive two hours early, regardless of delays, I can usually fit in two drinks before the flight, which gets me just a little tips, and then one or two on the plane (depending on length of flight) to keep me in the sweet

I went to Peru on a school trip a few years back and warned my professor I'm kind of a nervous wreck when it comes to flying, and as soon as I got on the plane (a few months after this conversation mind you) he flagged down someone and was like "this girl needs a glass of wine right now". Best professor ever.

I do this. I get to the airport like two hours early so I can get myself a little drunk, and I tell the flight attendant right away that it's better for everyone if s/he brings me a drink immediately. I've never been sloppy drunk on a plane, but being buzzed really does help everyone.

Why do people put so much shit on their tree that it obscures the tree entirely? Also, down with matchy-matchy trees! That is some Martha Stewart 1994-era shit. Up your game, Beyonce.

99.5% white country.

Hey if Halle Berry can win for her mediocre performance in Monster's Ball...

considering all the shit thats winning oscars (slumdog, crash, actors i wont name), jennifer aniston would be an upgrade on that list

Everyone has issues. I'd personally rather date the bundle of issues that can at least behave itself in public and not use a country's flag as toilet paper, but that's just my opinion.

dear maria shriver,

Taylor Swift bought a house in Westerly, RI, which is around a two hour drive from the Kennedy compound. I'm not sure if that qualifies as a nearby property. Also, I hate myself for knowing this information.

She deserved an Oscar nod for Good Girl, so hopefully this can make up for that