Carol is my zombie apocalypse idol. May we all grow up to be here at the end of days. Seriously, who would have thought she'd be the mega-badass after Season 1? Also, I may or may not have teared up at her reunion with Daryl.
Carol is my zombie apocalypse idol. May we all grow up to be here at the end of days. Seriously, who would have thought she'd be the mega-badass after Season 1? Also, I may or may not have teared up at her reunion with Daryl.
people who judge others based on purely subjective things are the lowest of the low. fyi though, I love the beats, it makes me feel great powerwalking to class, so lol, LIKING THINGS
Meh. Once you market a certain culture, and then that culture becomes a brand (of sorts), I don't think it's fair to consider it "cultural appropriation" anymore. Being ignorant of the history of what rap is and is not is one thing (it's poetry,plain and simple. Whether it's good or bad poetry is something else…
Goodness gracious that paparazzi guy is a PRICK How she managed to keep her calm (relatively...) and not punch him is a mystery. His mentality that because she's famous she no longer deserves to be able to buy groceries is such a toxic way to think. It's scary how common that way of thinking is though. Not to mention…
"I hope you get Ebola. I hope you die. You are a fucking cunt!"
As a fellow Australian the only thing I have to say is that we do not necessarily consider this much of an insult.
A real missed opportunity for a "Drunk in Louvre" headline.
Charlize Theron is an African American. Born in South Africa; became a US Citizen in 2007. Cite:…
I saw an article refer to Idris Elba as "African American" once and it was pretty weird.
I can't tell if I think that's better or worse than the current FB thing about how people with thigh gaps have loose vaginas.
Ugh, I remember people in middle school saying that girls with thigh gaps weren't virgins. :(
Yes and yes. Thigh gap here and been called chicken legs my whole life. Just face it, no one's body is "perfect" so can we quit shaming women already?
OMG yes, please. I don't have a thigh gap, nor do I want one, but the hype for them and then the hype against them were awful. Just because it's an unattainable standard doesn't mean that there aren't real people with them. But by all means, lets go around making them feel like crap for their natural body type.…
Yup. And somehow the need for all that communication ahead of time hasn't stopped people who are into BDSM from having sex. It's almost like it's a strong drive that people will do lots of things to satisfy.
Ignoring the ridiculousness of the assertion that women need "convincing" to get into the mood, you can still consent to sex even if you aren't in the mood. You can still want to have sex even if you aren't in the mood. Knowing your body, you can say to yourself "Yes, after a little bit of foreplay, I am sure that I…
This entire thing is highly amusing. (the quibbling, not the gravity of the actual issue of consent)
So my ex used to do this thing where he would wake up and want to have sex and he would nuzzle into me and start kissing my neck and then when I would actually wake up and get into it he would whisper into my ear "Can I fuck you?" and it was SO GODDAMN SEXY.