
Up to 95% of the victims of global terror are Muslims - an often overlooked statistic when right-wing blowhards begin talking about the critical dangers they face in Des Moines or Texarkana.

Yeah it’s a weird choice. Although, this guy is making a lot of weird and bad choices, so at least he’s consistent.

And here I thought that Shakespeare guy is doing an amazing job and getting recognized more and more.

Yeah there’s a lot of cognitive dissonance between guys who LARP as nazis and comparisons to real nazis. I was surprised by it considering he could have gone with plenty of figures from the Soviet Union and still get his point across.

Why do you folks think she’s a good drumpf? She and her mother didn’t want to pay for their hair and makeup for the inauguration!

My understanding is that was the crux of the trial, the law isn’t exactly clear if she was legally culpable (IMHO because it was written before the age of social media and the expansive instant communication we now have). I understand being torn, but personally I think this is a good thing. The way we communicate as a

Ted Cruz’s children openly hate him and I respect that. The Trump’s could learn a thing or two.

Ivanka’s “job”: Show up somewhere dressed expensively, look concerned/understanding, nod, mention the word “women”, and the day’s work is done!

“People don’t have the right to impose their lifestyle on others who have an equal right to be left alone

camouflage or not, we see you kylie.

Righteousness doesn’t really lead to feeling guilt 😟

Did this teacher really have some kind of animosity towards those students? Or did she really think “HAHA TERRORISM IS FUNNY BROWN PEOPLE ARE FUNNY”?

You’ve been misinformed. JLD is one of the most liked and well respected people in the business. Anyone that has ever worked with her will tell you how hard she works and how kind she is. Her father was a billionaire and she didn’t have to do a goddamn thing with her life, and she worked her ass off to get where she

I completely agree. Furthermore, even though I ‘m financially challenged in some ways, I wouldn’t hug Jerry Seinfeld for a million bucks.

Omg. This fucking white person hated friends. I mean I hated friends.

Sure, Jan.