Lars von Trier can explain.
Lars von Trier can explain.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’
For profit says it all. We won’t agree. For profit and kids, especially poor kids and add teachers without certification and crony leadership and being on the side of Betsy Demon and... they all suck.
Its a for profit enterprise. The “teacher” is neither qualified not certified. This is the repub fever dream for all our schools.
Too bad domestic violence doesn’t get politicians headlines the way that !!ISLAMIC EXTREMISM!! does. Nevermind that three women are killed a day by husbands or intimate partners.
What the FUCK! And what kind of fucking lame-ass non-apology is that from AVID? They try so hard to bend over backwards promoting themselves and their revenue stream they never apologized at all, especially to that (extraaaa cute) kid! Fuck that place and that “teacher” needs to be fired.
...Why? Why did ANYONE think this was a good idea to do? WHY!?
Oh, and sweetie, Archie Bunker isn’t a role model. He was the butt of the joke.
I came here and didn’t see color.
Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.
Alamo Drafthouse, a chain of movie theaters that allows you to order booze and a plate of hot wings to your seat no…
I think being married to DT would make anytime cocktail party time.
Gauthier is adorable.
I don’t get from this she’s actually disputing any of the presented claims, only that she has not “lied” about them?
Boswell’s guilty plea to misdemeanor sexual abuse is part of a deferred sentencing agreement, which allows him to withdraw it after a period of “good behavior.”
I hope that one of the charges filed against the organizers is charging $5k to see Blink-182 in the year 2017.