
Agreed. This had the potential to be much, much worse. California sea lions dine of other sea creatures. They have big, sharp teeth and are powerful in the water. It could have gotten hold of her arm and dragged her to the bottom. Their bites are very dangerous and the potential for massive infection is very

Seriously, that was pretty classic territorial behaviour. This article is irresponsible and dangerous.

“The little girl situated herself on the edge of the dock and, soon after, the sea lion jumped out of the water, very near to her face. From the video, this seems like a playful move on the part of the sea lion...”

I’m rather impressed by how fast that guy jumped into the water to save her.

There’s also the matter of all the fake medals and shit he wears. Then again:

There’s also this pervasive notion that compromise = settling. If you have to modify one behavior, or that if your partner can’t modify something about them, then you’re settling for the less than. She won’t look hot for me? I’m not settling! He’s perfect except that he won’t participate in my interests? Settling!

Yes, the first amendment allows Richard Spencer to say hateful things. The first amendment also allows this woman to yell at him, and it allows a company to decide whether or not they want to associate with him. The typical racist response boils down to “I want my rights, but you can’t have the same rights.”

Where’s TinkerBelle been living that she doesn’t know this shit happens all the time? Because no one’s refused a Jew or African-American service, right???

Maybe they think ”stupid” is a protected class?

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

Good! If we can be gerrymandered because political affiliation isn’t a protected class then BY GOD we can show these assholes what being unprotected means!

A Charter school isn’t more or less likely to do this than any other. Black girls get treated like this everywhere. Here’s an example just from yesterday.

I’m very curious about the fate of the abortion side-plot.

Heck with games, I programmed my precalc class into my TI-85. Had menus, would call other apps because they’d get too large to debug all together, and could even spot graph discontinuities and NOT crash the thing (which the TI itself couldn’t even manage)

Now playing

Are you really going to argue that the right wing has the moral high ground when it comes to facts vs feelings?

The other day my kid was watching Sesame Street and a bit came on called Orange is the New Snack. Set in Litchfield (but not clearly a jail), and with Red, Piper, and so on. A little less lesbian sex, though. I approved.

I wonder if that's an honest question or disingenuous reframing of the article. This was not advertised as such, and I don't see the use in goalpost shifting to retroactively sugarcoat criticism of what happened.