
The motives were different. Meg was mad because they were hurting or offending or invading her privacy, essentially not treating her like a person. Laurie was made because they were treating Gladys like a person, which is against the whole point of their existence. Meg's outbreak doesn't prove the GR's silliness

Maybe the fact that we can sympathize with Kevin NOT killing Patti even though she "stole" his wife is their argument? It's a comment on people not being murderers?

I feel like the purpose/togetherness with other depressed people is appealing to people who seem alone and purposeless in their normal lives (Jill, first episode Meg)

Totally okay with saying it is pretentious tripe (the pretentious/confident uncanny valley is strong in this show) but I'd say the cinematography isn't THAT good, and neither is the acting. So it's weird that it's causing such debates.

Totally see where you're coming from with the red herring stuff, and I'm really not sure that the show is going anywhere. Still, I think Leftovers isn't about the answers to logical questions in the same way True Detective or Sherlock Holmes is. It's about shit like Patti's monologue, where she talks about purpose and