
I actually think they shot this brilliantly. We didn't witness her crash, we experienced her crash. People who fall asleep at the wheel often do not even realize they fell asleep. There was even a documentary about it - a researcher didn't sleep for two days and then went for a ride (in a driving school car with

So.. a guy whose modus operandi is creating scripts with ambitious, intriguing setups which ultimately do not go anywhere provides advice which literally states "You just need to know where you’re going." Nice. :P

Or.. he looks EXACTLY like Arnold.

I don't like this. Wouldn't it be a risky move from Ford to have a replica of Arnold going around, pretending to be a human? Wouldn't someone sooner or later recognize that he looks identical to one of the park's founders? If Bernard cannot see "himself" in the picture, surely other people do.

My favorite Season 3 episode so far, however like many Black MIrror episodes it doesn't really hold well to scrutiny - not that I mind, but still. For example, why was Yorkie limited to 5 hours of San Junipero, once per week? We are told this is done so the "living" don't get too addicted but.. she spends the

One thing I disliked about the episode - the incriminating video footage was only there to misdirect the audience since the real incriminating evidence was the actual thing Kenny was looking at, not the fact that he himself was being filmed. And the blackmailer never actually reveals that they "know" - mostly because

The triple fakeout killed it for me. It just felt pointless, a dark ending for dark ending's sake, and the "irony" being a bit too contrived. Still, a superbly acted and directed episode, definitely enjoyable throughout. It just overstayed its welcome a bit.

Yep, I think Community sprung to my mind mere minutes after the episode started. I kinda hoped the story would do a 180 at some point and subvert my expectations but nope.. same concept, only Dan Harmon did it better. :)

I'm still amazed how they pulled off all those shots in Chuck's house with all those reflective surfaces around them. Setting up the lightning and camera positions must have been a small hell for the crew.

I'm still at odds with myself whether I like how subtle and slowly the Jimmy->Saul transformation is moving or whether I'm frustrated by it. I mean, I enjoyed every second of Season 2, yet I feel that we didn't really move much from the ending of Season 1, character-wise. Sure, odds are raised, the stage is set for

Nooooo! Not ________________! Everyone but _____________!

Years ago I would have been completely convinced that the writers are very much in firm control over the plot and the cliffhangers are there to toy with the audience and heighten the suspense but will definitely have a very satisfying resolution.

I don't know. For a series about the impending apocalypse, I am as of yet pretty underwhelmed. Maybe I'm having a hard time identifying with the main cast, or it's the script which seems to go to great lengths to find reasonings why the family should not just stay in town, but also scatter themselves as widely as

A terrific episode.

Is "visceral" today's word of the day?