
My wife and I make the bed every day at the worst possible time, which is right before bed. We smooth everything out, tuck the sheets in, fluff the pillows, everything. Then we delicately unfold a corner and get in (is there anything better than getting into a freshly-made bed?) and proceed to fall asleep and mess it

My wife just became a stay at home mom when we had our first, 8 months ago. Her mother's advice (which I overheard) "Everyday, just make the bed and he'll think you worked all day."

tiny punches and checks

very few punches - mostly pushkin' and shovin'

Sure was lucky that someone had crashed their car into the rink so we could get this on video.

God, that's crazy. All that over a pair of blue jeans.

I like that in the GIF up top, you can't tell if the two officials are attempting to break up the fights or desperately trying to escape the ice before they are knocked unconscious and cannibalized for parts.

When I was married, never, ever made the bed. Since I've been on my own—every day. Jolie is right that it does, in some small way, make you feel better. And it takes all of 15 seconds.

If I may add one tiny but important tip: let the bed cool down before making your bed. The sheets and pillowcases will be fresher and crisper if you allow some time to elapse - get up, push your covers all the way back and go about your morning. I usually make my bed as a final task before leaving the house.

A while back somewhere on Gawker it was said that men generally don't wash their sheets more than every couple months. I said, "oh good, I'm average gross, not extra gross.

Someone told me last summer that if you make your bed every morning you will feel good because you've already accomplished something. I stayed in the habit during the week for the better part of the last few months but I've been slacking lately. I decided to make the bed this morning because the messiness has been

I swear I'm going to break a toe one of these days when I slide into a bed my wife made.

Becoming a bed maker has lead to more restful sleep. I can't claim it would have that effect on anyone else, but why not try it?

I'm a 40-something bachelor, and I make my damn bed every day. It's common human decency. Makes me feel like my otherwise chaotic and depressing life has some order of semblance.

Know what else is decent? Washing/changing your damn sheets. Not once a month. Every four days.

Something that's really good for night sweats in a material called Outlast. It was originally designed for NASA and basically what it does is balance temperature. The material absorbs body heat when you're hot and releases it when you're cold.

And for the love of god, wash the bedding at least once a week.

Just one request from someone who takes up the entire length of a bed: if you have someone of my stature to consider when making the bed, please don't tuck the sheet in so damn deep. It's really annoying to have to yank two feet of bedsheet out of the foot of the bed after you get in.

During the entire month of March, make your bed. Every day.

When asked about defensive metrics at the same presser, Hunter said:

YES, the anti-anti-gay bigot. We are an opinionated bunch, aren't we? DOWN WITH EQUAL RIGHTS! Wait, I mean, DOWN WITH THOSE OPPOSED TO EQUAL RIGHTS! Yeah, that's better.