
The wonderful thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe it. It has nothing to do with politics or being a liberal atheist democrat. Quite a shame, actually, that that was his justification for why he opposed his critics.

Kelce also figures a guy with the Twitter handle @Millerlite40 knows all about cheap shots.

Dear Kansas City,

I doubt if Miller takes much offense to this. He also has a history of conspicuous and ill-advised attempts to get off.

I wonder if this will make it onto tonight's edition of, "Cum on, man!"

Unfrozen Caveman Pitcher

By the way, stunned at the language and commentary made by seemingly 'adults', scientists, teachers etc. Like they were 7 year olds on the playground again.

Come on, what's wrong with the (totally manufactured, intellectually dishonest) controversy?

Actually, this is about ethics in video game bill collection.

"Somehow someone made it into me not believing in the Theory of Evolution?"

God did it, that's good enough for me.

"I don't understand the outrage over someone telling the world a false and ridiculous premise that's repeated by millions and puts a serious damper on teaching proven science to our youth, thus, making them ready for real life. I'm going to sit here and stew in my fake outrage while my church continues a 2000 year old

As a Christian, I know that anything following that phrase has to be accepted by all of you no matter how stupid it sounds or is.

Every single follower I blocked had in their profile somewhere "Atheist" "Liberal" "Democrat" or some such label.

"politically charged stories from questionable sources" aka "old white man fuel"

Like they were 7 year olds on the playground again.

I understand why non-believers get upset at this conversation, because many know in their hearts that if it's true their future is not in good shape.

We aren't angry with you Curt we're making fun of you. There's a difference.

He's definitely one of those guys where you wish you could have been a fly on the wall the first time somebody had to explain to them that Stephen Colbert is just doing a comedy bit.