
If it's a logical fallacy to consider a doctor with specialist training on a disease an authority on that disease, then why does the info relayed by your wife count for anything at all? Haven't you been pulling the "my wife is a doctor" and "here is some research by doctors" appeal to authority card all along? Yes,

He doesn't need math! He measured it with his penis. Unfortunately it has a significant curve.

I'm really really concerned about the books. If the wood was measured without using math, sawed by someone with no knowledge of how to use a saw and everyone involved was drinking bourbon, I can only imagine the result was something along these lines:

When I see a man drinking bourbon

Yes, but your comment would suggest transitioning to a "less urban" or "less contemporary" routine would be a problem. I suggest that it wouldn't be. Much like a good musician can play any type of music, a good gymnast can master a classical gymnastic routine. Plus, if the tumbling isn't "on", it won't matter what

Really? I was not a professional ballerina, but I danced competitively, and I have never seen ANY gymnast who moved like a ballet dancer. Gymnastic dance, like cheerleading, seems to have it's own aesthetic. But maybe the key word in your post was "inspired," or maybe I just don't understand gymnastics.

I'm with you! Maybe this is because I watched Breakin' many many times as a child, but, tumbling feels way more at home in Hall's high energy, and hip-hop style dance than all the flouncy ballet stuff, which seems to be at odds with the speed and power and force of doing handsprings and flips.

Clearly what all of us are failing to understand is why, if this reason is so good and obvious and not offensive, would you fail to respond to anyone here? You certainly had time to respond to Dodai's comment...and nothing else?

That's uncomfortably close to sounding racist, Terafied.

What is that good reason? It's not obvious to all of us, and I don't want to... just assume that means what it sounds like.

haha Right? Sorry for excelling in the field she's currently in.

And thats why no one watches your damn sport.

Counterpoint: for bad reason.

Well, elite gymnastic floor routines are incredibly boooooooring compared to this.

Fucking cracker

Seconding icantevennotwithyou; Dodai is referring to the dance style, not the music being played. I'm pretty sure the gymnasts have to perform to a specific song picked by the committee or something. It would be really cool to see this routine performed to hip-hop though.

I think hip-hop refers to her dancing style, even though the music has more of a jazz-funk sound.

For what good reason? Choosing to emphasize a classical aesthetic that leaves little to no room for body types that don't fit the model seems like an antiquated approach for an evolving sport.

I'm not an expert here but aren't many floor routines inspired by Jazz as much as they are by Ballet? I've definitely seen plenty of Olympic floor routines with heavy jazz influences. Why is one form of the dancing valid over another? Hip hop has plenty of technicality that many ballet dancer cannot achieve even