
Good for you Vivian and for Cheryl for posting. The conspiracy dim wits are beyond hope and should be put in a cage with Jessie Ventura to fight over food. Its like trying to convince a Republican that the Donald is is less equipped to be President than a chicken. Its true but they can never see it. I found one nut

I don’t know if Whitson is still around (July 2016) but I’m stuck. I’m trying to clone a 292 GB Windows 10 partition to a new Samsung 500GB SSD. I connected it to SATA and did an initialize and format. I didn’t assign a drive letter and I used EasyUS 9.2 for cloning. This version doesn’t have a choice for disk or

@drewcrosby Drew, I lived in Titusville as a kid (around 11 or 12 y.o.) when my dad worked at Cape Canaveral and I saw an occasional rocket (approx 1959) go up but from quite a distance from the launch site. I remember the excitement of the space race and later as an adult I went on tour of the Kennedy Space Center

As a college student in 1968 and 1969, working at the Miss. test facility, I got to see the Saturn first stage static fired. I also got to walk under it in the test stand. In the static firing the rocket is held down so the noise is continuous during the whole test. Ground shook and the roar was beyond description. We

Great idea but terribly written book.