
Isn’t there a kid missing on the cover? I think it’s Joel.

I am OK with it as long as this man is allowed to rub up against the pamphleteers while they harass the pregnant women ....

When will the pasty corniness that is Taylor Swift abandon the stage and make room for actually talented white girls? I mean, she's so intolerable and a sign of the cultural decay we're living through. Je-sus, she's the worst. Her and Macklemore or however you spell that demon's name.

Is this you, you handsome devil?

Gwynneth “tried to call her divorce a ‘conscious uncoupling’... and [was] peddling absurdly pricey items like a $956 toilet-paper set.”

Also, that creature feature is all wrong. Here is what they should’ve shown:

yes i think the answer is “everyone”

Oh for chrissakes, *I* look more like Benedict Cumberbatch than that cat does. (Spoiler alert: aside from sharing basic human features like, you know, eyes and ears and a nose and a mouth, I look nothing like Benedict Cumberbatch.)

just because she’s doing her job doesn’t mean that she’s 1.) not a horrible person and 2.) defending a rapist and 3.) deserving of our outrage

I'm just going to admit it: I don't get all the Channing Tatum lust. I find him almost virtually indistinguishable from Chris Pine or one of the Hemsworths (I mean, he seems like a nice dude I just don't find him at all sexy). there something wrong with me?

Does no one remember the Will Friedle Classic “My Date With the President’s Daughter”? I’m only 24 but that’s still my go-to first kid movie reference.

Why are “Deviled Eggs” called “Deviled Eggs?”

It’s just like that time I applied to be a doctor at a hospital in Seattle and they turned me down. I mean, someone else could do all of the surgery & diagnosing stuff. I just want to date other cute doctor’s like on Grey’s Anatomy. I really don’t see the problem.

They told me that having seen Event Horizon several times does not qualify me to do ‘all that space shit’.

Did he really say that? But that’s like...all the policy. I’m going to tell my next boyfriend that I’ll handle all the chores, as long as he takes care of the ones inside and outside the house.

There’s an entire country in Europe where millions of white folk speak flawless Spanish almost from birth.

Sounds like The Donald to me.... remember, he hired Pence to ‘handle domestic and foreign policy’.

Actually, it’s about gender identity ethics in Pokemon Go.