
He’d just spend his days looking up synonyms for “breast”. That’s what I did when I was his emotional age.

Fun with ctrl + f

Especially as the American right only supports Israel because they think it will magically bring back Jesus, who will in turn get rid of all those Jews.

It’s horrifying and dismaying that most Republicans (most politicians, if we’re being honest) think that the best and only way to win over American Jews and seem like they’re prioritizing their well being is to pledge allegiance to Israel and Jerusalem and shit on the Palestinians.

I know, I have male friends and relatives who love cooking and are the family cooks. I’ve also known a good number of men who cook elaborate meals once a month or so and think that entitles them to look down on the more basic/economic/time sensitive cooking styles employed by a lot of women (and yes, men too, but

I think the old phrase “If you can’t beat them, join them” applies here. He did what he could to stop Trump before the election, and now he’s doing what he can to minimize Trump’s damage to the country and the world. Don’t love the man but I can respect how he’s handled this disaster in his party.


Seriously America, WTF happened? Every day the future sound even more apocalyptic. These kinds of men should NEVER be in any position of power, but this one in particular, as AG, is scary as hell. It looks more and more like the US will become a right wing, neo-fascist state and the idiots that voted for Trump are

Seriously. In the piece I mentioned he was going on and on about Gulen’s connections to Islamist organisations and we should extradite him because of that, etc. Some journalist pointed out that Erdogan is guilty of exactly the same things he was accusing Gulen of, only he’s actually the leader of a country not some

Well. I guess this means Guliani will definitely be Secretary of State and Palin will be Secretary of Interior. Because when you’re going to fuck up, you may as well go all the way.