Go from here?? He's going to keep riding the bench until he's released or traded and fades away. The guy was demoted to irrelevancy before this happened, so this will probably be the last time we think about him
Go from here?? He's going to keep riding the bench until he's released or traded and fades away. The guy was demoted to irrelevancy before this happened, so this will probably be the last time we think about him
I think people that write open letters should have to shampoo my crotch.
Not standing is a sign of support for Peter Thiel and Trump’s secret NAMBLA donations. So they say.
Riiiight, because up until this dipshit decided to sit down I had never heard of this thing called “racism”.
He is most likely listening to his agent or parents or smarter friends.
At what point will this pass far enough behind us that I can say I think his hair is stupid?