The Babaduke

Do you ever get tired of yourself? How can you possibly expect anyone to assume you are acting in good faith? If people are constantly assuming you are a troll, even if you aren’t, it should raise some kind of alarm. I would think you would ask yourself: “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just engage with other

I’ve never called you that—you’d be better off using that comment on someone who has called you a right-wing conservative troll. I have called you a dick for criticizing others for not passing your progressive purity tests, though. That does square with certain vegans. Not all, of course.

I’m not actually inclined to

Also many turn to veganism as a means of treating or dealing with other issues.

Wait, the guy who comments on every single article and is constantly shaming others is a vegan? I would have never guessed.

Plus, pork fat is kinda nasty.

Sweet Smell of Success
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Back to the Beach

Give him some credit, he did say “in my day,” implying that he does recognize that it has changed.  He’s still a pedant, though.

On top of a physics degree, Elon Musk also has a business degree from Wharton. Based on another very prominent example of Wharton alumni, feeling qualified in areas that are well out of his expertise seems to be a common thread. Musk is (currently) far less dangerous than the other example, however.

Right, because Netflix can’t be watched on a TV or home theater projector.

In one of Thomas Keller’s cookbooks, he says that meat should rest for the same amount of time that heat has been applied to it.  Ever since I started factoring that in, the meat I cook is so much better.

I agree with you, but I think this nation has made it clear that the kids’ safety is not a priority.

There is a store across the street from my apartment that sells jars of goose fat, although I doubt that’s very common.  I cooked a goose for Christmas once, and the amount of fat that you can get out of it is astonishing. The goose itself wasn’t anything spectacular, but the fat was amazing.

I don’t know if he gets pleasure from people trying to dissect his work—he probably does—but I always got the feeling that a lot of what he does isn’t supposed to mean anything. I think he puts scenes together with imagery that he finds interesting or thought-provoking. That’s about it.

People keep using the term

Dreamers aren’t citizens.  They can’t vote.  Also, fuck off.

Check my first comment to you and you’ll see that I said, right from the beginning, that the problem was him forcing his beliefs on her (and vice-versa) as well as his dishonesty. The goalposts have stayed right where I put them. Please do pay attention.

Do you know what a McGuffin is?

I think Le Monjello was pretty clear that the appeal of guns is that they give him a boner. That comment read like a tawdry romance novel.

None of that shit matters except for numbers 2 and 3, but you still managed to make it about guns. Do you ever wonder where the term “gun nut” comes from? You haven’t managed to separate this issue from the guns. For Christ’s sake, the guns are a fucking McGuffin. The issue is that he hasn’t been honest with her. 

I don’t give a fuck about your dating options. I have tried to be as neutral as possible, but you keep making this about your gun safe. I don’t give a fuck about your gun safe. If a significant other doesn’t feel safe, regardless of whether you think it’s rational or not, it’s dismissive and inconsiderate to just

There are plenty of of studies that suggest that guns in a home, whether in a safe or not or not, increase the risk of being harmed by that gun. There are also studies which don’t suggest that. Seeing as how most of these studies are based on data that is 20 or 30 years old doesn’t help. Basically, the studies that

Right, so are you are unwilling to compromise, even for someone you care about. If objects are more important to you than relationships with people, that’s fine. I can’t tell you how to live your life. If I want advice for having a loving relationship with a gun, I think you’re probably a great source. If I want