The Babaduke

I know that not all blue-collar towns are not that bad. My hometown was particularly bad, probably because most of the industry was dying off and there wasn't much hope left for a lot of the people, so they looked for people to blame. Now I'm in Seattle, which is a polar opposite to where I was raised. It's not

That type of thinking needs a support system, a world where they are never exposed to anyone who might think or live differently from them. I come from a very industrial town where there's a lot of animosity towards people who don't do "real work" i.e. manual labor. I think the main reason I'm fairly liberal is

Those places do exist, where else would Trump's supporters be?

Pedro Almodovar would agree with that, if Volver is any indication.

"Obamacare" vs. "Affordable Care Act"

For me, a voice is just another instrument. So whether the Sigur Ros song I'm listening to is in Icelandic, English, or just made-up words, I don't really care. I rarely notice lyrics unless they are really good or really bad, but even most of the best lyricists would make bad poets. Even if the lyrics are truly

Do you ever listen to music in a language that you don't speak? There's a whole lot of great stuff out there you'd be missing out on if not being able to get into a song's lyrics is a roadblock for you.

I think we're going to see some dramatic demographic shifts in the coming years, and if Christians ever do face real persecution here, I'll be the first to stick up for you.

If I can ever understand how it works, I'll let you know.

I like you and don't want to get too far into this, because we'll never come to an agreement. Your deeply held belief shouldn't be given any more weight than mine. Besides, we're straying from my initial point, which is this: A Christian complaining to a non-Christian about how tough it is for them in America is

All hate crimes are abhorrent, but let's not forget that Christians clearly have a position of power. What about my deeply held belief that funding wars is immoral? Can I take my case to the Supreme Court, and will they be as sympathetic to my views as they would someone who finds funding of birth control immoral?

Congress is 92% Christian, the US population is about 70% Christian. Atheists are less likely to be voted into office than any other group. "Religious Exemptions" are used as an excuse to deny people basic rights. It took years for gay people to get the right to marry, and despite the Supreme Court ruling, they are

Heaven forbid! If that's the worst they have to deal with, they've got it pretty good.

I think the title is pretty bad, but if you're trying to make a claim that Christians are facing some kind of legitimate persecution in the Western world, you've got a tough row to hoe, and pointing to this title will do little to support your cause.

There's a trick to dodging the 200 lightning bolts. There's a location that triggers a bolt everytime you walk near it. So that one wasn't too bad this time around. I wish Youtube had been around to divulge that secret when I first played FFX. That fucking chocobo race, though? I stopped playing and haven't

I have the remake on the PS3. There's a slight lag from the controller, so the chocobo/balloon/bird dodging race that you needed to do to get the caladbolg, which was enormously frustrating before, is now basically impossible.

Having read Brandon's previous reviews of The Knick, I'm surprised that you're surprised he overlooked something so obvious.

I have a Summit Ice jacket. It indeed has many zippers. It's good for rain (I live in Seattle) and breathes well. It doesn't really get cold enough here to say how well it'll handle temperatures below freezing, but I imagine if you were to layer up it would be warm enough.

Torture, motherfucker!