The Babaduke


I was just gonna complain about the lack of Elaine May on the list, but she was an uncredited writer on Tootsie.

Is this some weird gimmick? LEGO doesn't support using their product for political statements:

Huh, that's not what I was expecting. They didn't say he couldn't use Legos, they just didn't sell him a bulk order. I doubt the intention was specifically to make the brutal dictatorship happy. Are you aware of any examples of Lego selling their products to other artists who intend to use them for political

Did Lego sell a bulk order of Lego bricks to the Chinese government instead? I don't understand the dots you are trying to connect here. Is this like saying Starbucks hates Jesus because they have plain red cups?

I'd say you're right about that. I doubt any of the US equivalents would be employee-owned. There are not a lot of employee owned business here, but my first couple of years in college I worked for an "employee owned" grocery store. The profit sharing only applied to full-time employees, so they only allowed most

I'd forgotten about the motorcycle show. Ugh.

Although it would negate the whole premise of the show, I thought their use of "busted" was totally wrong. Just because they couldn't do something, doesn't mean it couldn't be done. The Archimedes death ray being a good example. They failed to replicate it two or three times, so they claimed it was busted. However,

"MythBusters fought this tide by showing people what “doing science” actually on rare occasions looked like, and making it seem fun."

I know exactly what you mean by "Throwback to a nicer time." From the selection on the website, John Lewis didn't seem as nice as Harrod's, which I've actually personally shopped at (as well as M&S), but I only saw the men's clothes on the first two levels, so I didn't know if they had all the furniture and other

I thought he said he was a public defender? Although, to me , it's all a distinction without a difference. So long as Law & Order gets the terms right, that's all that matters to me.

You didn't know South Park was just an allegory for Chinese-Japanese relations, specifically related to child molestation? Also, something about NYC tax laws and how they relate to the City Wok guy.

Check out the comments section in the last episode of South Park for the most bonkers fan theory imaginable.

That's a better example (I also live in the northwest), except, high quality merchandise. You can't buy Gant or Hugo Boss clothing at Fred Meyer. I'm guessing the John Lewis stores also don't have a warehouse feel to them the way Fred Meyer does.

Not really a direct US equivalent—looking through their website, it seems like they would be like a Target with Nordstrom quality goods. Like a department store where everything is expensive, plus toys.

I certainly look forward to hearing your thoughts on next week's episode. It should be eye-opening.

I don't care about winning any argument, but you assuming I'm close-minded pisses me off a bit. I'm perfectly open to solid arguments, but you're just re-hashing conservative propaganda, which is odd for someone who claims to have hated Reagan. The dissolution of the Soviet Union is pretty thoroughly documented.

Albert and Sheriff Truman becoming friends is one the highlights of Season 2 for me.

So, as an attorney, when you failed to make a convincing argument, did you blame the jury? Maybe the judge? Were they all just close-minded, or did you just fail at your task?