The Babaduke

I can see your house from my apartment!

Sorry, but very poor username/comment synergy.

Jerry Brown very well could be the Kwisatz Haderach.

Mitch Ryder!

Oh yes, humans have done little but cause ecological disasters. We're trying to put the kibosh on that.

There are more issues to consider than the cost.

It's not an issue of too much/not enough water. Ecosystems develop based largely on the regional hydrology. What may seem like "too much" water for humans is just the right amount for a Douglas Fir. Those Douglas Firs provide homes for the Northern Spotted Owl, which also depends on the hydrology of the region

The enormous ecological disaster that would ensue would be a pretty strong deterrent.

He doesn't sound like the type of person who gets embarrassed easily.

The private investigators, Rick Simon and AJ Simon out of San Diego, are some of the best in the business. I'd trust them over those jerks at Peerless Detectives, except for that foxy Janet Fowler. She can search through my drawers anyday, if you know what I mean.

He's a conservative and a big supporter of the NRA, as well. I don't really care, Magnum P.I. is still one of my favorite shows. I'm more of a Higgins fan, though. I'd be devastated if John Hillerman turned out to be a dick.

That's a great solution, especially since the infrastructure can be built overnight at little to no cost and with virtually no environmental impact. We need to force those fatcats in Sacramento to learn that willpower always triumphs over the physical limitations of reality!

Todd and Margo

With the advances in CGI, I think they can do it right this time.

Crosby described a producer as someone who "sits in a chair while the engineer does all the work." Which is a pretty arrogant thing to say. I can't imagine Brian Wilson would agree with that.

I fell out of love after Suspiria.

I don't know how important an artist's own perception of their talent is. I personally prioritize how talented I think he is, which is very talented. If he's half the egomaniac he comes across as, I'm sure he'd be a shitty person to hang out with. I'm not doing that, though, I'm listening to his music.

Nope, not sarcastic. I loved that show. I was about 10 years old, though, so it may have actually been crap.

Is Doug Herzog the reason Comedy Central doesn't air reruns of The Higgins Boys and Gruber? THAT BASTARD.

I don't know if South Park actually hurt any political discourse, but the "Douche vs. Turd" both-sides-are-just-as-bad argument is a problem. Both sides may have their issues, but they are certainly not equally bad options. For people to give up altogether and not pay attention to politics or not vote because they