The Babaduke

With the advances in CGI, I think they can do it right this time.

Crosby described a producer as someone who "sits in a chair while the engineer does all the work." Which is a pretty arrogant thing to say. I can't imagine Brian Wilson would agree with that.

I fell out of love after Suspiria.

I don't know how important an artist's own perception of their talent is. I personally prioritize how talented I think he is, which is very talented. If he's half the egomaniac he comes across as, I'm sure he'd be a shitty person to hang out with. I'm not doing that, though, I'm listening to his music.

Nope, not sarcastic. I loved that show. I was about 10 years old, though, so it may have actually been crap.

Is Doug Herzog the reason Comedy Central doesn't air reruns of The Higgins Boys and Gruber? THAT BASTARD.

I don't know if South Park actually hurt any political discourse, but the "Douche vs. Turd" both-sides-are-just-as-bad argument is a problem. Both sides may have their issues, but they are certainly not equally bad options. For people to give up altogether and not pay attention to politics or not vote because they

I should think Martin Singer is about as happy as a lawyer could possibly be right now. Imagine the money you could make as a lawyer if Bill Cosby was your client.

I have a good attitude towards menstruation!

It may not be heaven, but at least it's not Missouri.

Compared to Canada, most places are behind the times. Although Stephen Harper is working on changing that.

Yeah, that was fucking shameful.

You read an awful lot into that comment. I'm saying that 2008 was more than a few months ago. It was pedantry, not a statement about my beliefs.

There are thimerasol-free alternatives to every vaccine that does contain trace amounts of thimerasol. If people are concerned about the mercury concentration, they can tell their doctor they want the thimerasol-free formulation. There seem to be plenty of people who altogether refuse the vaccine instead, though,

I think those goalposts were fine where they were.

You do know that it's not 2009, right?

That CHOICE places others at risk.

Nu metal bands often point to Mr. Bungle as a major influence, which is a dot I would have never connected. That's like Brett Ratner saying he is influenced by Robert Bresson.