The Babaduke

As much as I love Joe Dante, I think I'll skip this. Hold up, Alexandra Daddario? That changes everything. I'll skip this, and re-watch a particular scene from True Detective.

When something happens almost continuously, saying "now is not the time to debate this" pretty well ensures that will never be debated.

If that's the Coral Ridge shooting, my sister was in Target at the time. Scary. I think the saddest thing is that there are enough shootings in this country that I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing.

I'd like to know the backstory on how they managed to not hire the guy who wanted the job, was perfect for it, and had already been hired to do it for NBC. He is, as you said, the American Jeremy Clarkson. A loudmouthed bigoted baboon,yes, but he loves cars and is also regularly very funny. I don't know if he is as

I like how Blurays have ads promoting the magic of Bluray. Clearly, if I'm watching a bluray, I'm already on board, no need to advertise.

That's the one thing that Top Gear USA does right. I just wish Adam Ferrara would punch a producer and get replaced by someone halfway entertaining, then maybe Top Gear USA could be watchable.

As usual, nobody gives a shit about Richard Hammond, except Richard Hammond.

A person would be better off just watching Marjoe. Beyond just being a fascinating look inside the preaching business, it's got some of the best music I've ever heard.

You don't need to say "marital rape." Rape is rape, vows notwithstanding.

I thought the same thing. It bothers me that they would probably blame the victims, seeing as they place almost no value on females outside of their ability to gestate.

There were only five sisters at the time, so an 80% molest rate is pretty thorough. That sole un-molested sister must have been more pious, or whatever Jim Bob and his broodmare told the molested sisters as the reason God willed it.

I think it's great. it reminds me of Neurosis.

Bearing in mind his affinity for Mexican food and the fact that cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander, I think it's pretty reasonable.

They used to do that with the free super saver shipping. I always just used that and got my packages in two days without Prime. Then they caught on and throttled it down. Now I have Prime, and five years out of school, I'm still getting a discount for being a student.

"Hall Oates"

I wanted to be sure to compliment you on this interview—it's great. I have the old Sony DVDs of the Apu Trilogy, and I haven't watched them in years. I've been getting the urge to watch them again lately, but now I think I'd be best off waiting for the bluray release.

Chalet 2000. That might be cheating, though, since it was an entire episode.

The Michael Nyman score for Man with a Movie Camera from the Kino DVD is very good, as well as the Voices of Light score written for The Passion of Joan of Arc. I hate it when they only use old-timey piano for silent films, especially if they take just existing music like "The Entertainer." I'll typically just mute


Comparing the War on Drugs or Prohibition to gun control requires overlooking the fact that drugs and alcohol are physically addictive, while guns are not. Emotionally addictive, maybe, but not physically.