The Babaduke

I have never watched an episode, so I had this spoiled seconds ago when I read #RIPBeth in your comment.

I've given up as well, but seriously, what's so wrong with "raises the question?"

I may be wrong here, but my guess is that oil companies are heavily investing in alternative fuels or conducting the research themselves, and are just keeping it quiet. It would seem far too short-sighted for them to have the vast amount of research funds that they have available and not use them to pre-emptively

Challah, if I'm not mistaken.

Most, but not all, blurays are region free and they don't have PAL/NTSC issues. I bought my copy of the Twin Peaks box set from amazon UK and saved about $50, but like Texass said, it looks like they've wised up. Still, keep them in mind for future purchases.

The Russian fox breeding experiment is a great example of this, and it's still ongoing:

They can make a huge amount of beneficial stuff from nuclear waste. Jimmy Carter signed a ban on recycling commercial nuclear waste, which is just one of the reasons he is histories greatest monster. As much as I support other alternative energy sources, I think it's silly to go out of our way to not use nuclear

Is the book of Joshua the one where they bash babies against rocks? I may be confusing it with Blood Meridian.

People often neglect the part where the puritans stopped off in the Netherlands for a while before they came to America. They went to the Netherlands to seek religious freedom, but left because they felt the Jews had too much religious freedom. What a bunch of dicks.

Along the same lines as young earth creationism, the fact that some still believe in flood geology drives me nuts. It takes a huge amount of gall to go to the Grand Canyon and suggest that it was created in one event.

As individuals, engineers are usually fucking weird.

There are those such as Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron who are perfectly willing to admit that lifeforms (excluding humans) have gradual changes, but somehow have it in their mind that evolutionary theory posits that one species can give birth to an entirely different species. They regard this as ridiculous, because it

If Katee Sackhoff is the gateway drug through which people get addicted to Longmire, then I see her value now.

Am I the only straight guy under 40 who watched the hell out of this show and doesn't give two shits about Katee Sackhoff? I suppose the fact that I never watched Battlestar Galactica might factor into that, so I have no lingering fanboy crush on her. Don't get me wrong, she's a fine actress, but she seems to be the

Speak for yourself, Melville.

Blow-Up. Blow Out was Brian De Palma's Sweathog version thereof.

If there's a word that demands truncation, it's "pizzas." I'm exhausted just typing it out.

Bill Cosby has to be the only person in the world who has an actual doctorate but only an honorary bachelor's degree.

Brian Regan is a SAINT!

Aww. *kicks at dirt*