The Babaduke

A rare moment where he and his father are in agreement.

Tastes vary. I think it's fair to say that his vocals are the weakest element in his music, but it's only one element of what he creates. If your three-year-old laid down vocals over his music, it'd probably still be pretty great.

I just started listening to his music, and it seems to me that when he says he's a genius, he's not exactly humble, but certainly not incorrect. If having an enormous ego comes with making such incredible music, I think it's a small price for the rest of us to pay.

Well, if that's the case, then I'd have to go with Groove is in the Heart.

Swans "The Sound", or "The Seer", but I wouldn't enter until the last minute or so, well after the crescendo of each song. I like to keep people waiting, preferably uncomfortably. It's worth noting that I'm not really into sports.

But the constitution was written by the hand of God! He just forget to mention himself anywhere, because humility or whatever.

I know what I'm having for supper tonight, and likely the rest of the week.

I've seen every episode, and I don't recall a single one where they actually arrest any of the main antagonists. Pretty much every episode ends in a gunfight or the bad guy gets away. I suppose that sort of adds to the sense of futility they often seem to depict.

That's a little subjective, but while that may be what she meant, she certainly could have written it that way easily enough.

At the risk of being overly pedantic, Paul Reubens created Pee Wee Herman in the late 1970s. So unless this was shelved for several years before it originally aired, it's not "pre-Pee-Wee."

Yeah, I think it would be unfair to assume that his involvement will somehow make True Detective little more than dumb (but fun) action. Lin has shown he's a capable director. I haven't seen any of the Fast & Furious movies, but from what I hear, they are far better (or at least, more enjoyable) than one would

He also directed Better Luck Tomorrow, which was excellent.

Mike Patton is a good example of why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. He's a musical genius, but looks like a loan shark.

That's a strange way to spell "The Proposition."

If lyrics are good, that's great, but to me the human voice is just another instrument making music. I just don't pay much attention to lyrics unless the music is bad. I like that Sigur Ros and Lisa Gerrard just use nonsensical made up words. If I want poetry, I'll read poetry. For all I know, half the songs I

I actually got my mom to start watching Longmire. I recommended Justified to her, and she really liked it, so it seemed like Longmire was the next most obvious choice. She loved it. My dad couldn't have given less of a shit about it. He would prefer to watch Fox News, so fuck him.

It also seemed like it couldn't be all that expensive to make (despite how beautiful it often was), which should be a big advantage for it.

I assume this all occurs to the tune of some jaunty Django Reinhardt style jazz?

I am interested in seeing what rodeos local to Paris are like.

WHOA! Where's the spoiler alert? I have Europe's Strongest Man on my DVR, now I know how it ends. You've totally ruined the experience for me.