
I was definitely suggesting that in SEC country people look the other way for a Cam Newton or a Jameis Winston, but you are right, as a Buckeye fan I am torn because while tattoo-gate was clearly an NCAA violation, I can't really say looking back that it was worth blowing up our program over. We got Urban Meyer and

Well, yes, you are. Your entire joke about waiting until the next game falls apart.

You know what I find offensive? 18 year olds with rap sheets, belong to gangs and assault cops. You live that lifestyle and you accept the consequences.

I think its offensive that people like you are sticking up for some punk that was a part of second degree murder as a juvi, had just forcefully robbed a store, and then attacks a police officer while the cop was in his car. I think its offensive people cant obey the law and dont want to be held accountable. I

intentionally throwing? they used the FACTS - you're just a media sheep and the actual story doesn't fit with what you were fed and the ideology some people/sites have tried to push.

JT has been a class act all season. I was at the game - the chant of JT, JT was deafening. seriously.


Stay classy, asshole.

No. Good hands, OSU.

If the flag is thrown and never hits the ground, does it count?

You're a cunt

Dayton resident here.