(As the Super Bowl comes to an end)
According to the Herald, Yang is not an uncommon presence in Trump’s orbit.
Oh, come on....feel free to wear a cape!
He looks like what would happen if you microwaved Robert Redford.
He’s really rocking that Baron Harkonnen look.
In April, the President’s personal attorney and long time fixer, Michael Cohen’s New York office was raided by the…
The biggest problem with having a habitual liar in the highest office in the land is that a habitual liar is in the…
Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some…
Doesn’t mean you don’t care though, there’s just nothing to be done about it until the midterms. As for republicans, it’s in their best interest to not rock the boat and downplay everything until it comes to light that Trump has actually broken laws. They don’t want to divert from their agenda as long as they have…
It would be delicious to see 45 deported by Mexico for being a criminal.
If Robert Mueller wants to talk to you, chances are he already has evidence of your guilt, and is only looking to catch you in a lie. That’s how he nailed Papadopoulos and Manafort. He’s not going to ask a question he doesn’t already know the answer to, he’s only asking to make sure your answers line up with what he…
Kevin Hart and Donald Trump both out there wilin, getting recorded, and having their friends turn on them.
“parents have told me in gang-infested neighborhoods that children can no longer stand at the bus stop by themselves,”
Next you’ll be telling me to make my own guac. No thanks, Jeb!
don’t challenge my ability to pay $6.99 for mediocre hummus!