
Dude, she's video blogging minutes after her ordeal, unrehearsed and in an emotional state and you're criticising her for incorrectly naming her anatomy. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have misinterpreted or misunderstood the context that it was used in when you first heard her statement, so my guess is that you're

The bezel and back covers of the iPad 2 aren't made of white-coloured glass, unlike the white iPhone 4 i.e. not as challenging to manufacture.

Dog years, dude. :)

In terms of the example use case you've given, even though you know that you're not a real l33t hax0r, at least you can take comfort in knowing that you're still a pirate! Gaaarrr, matey! :P

Can't really comment on those two, but I have had another product pitched at me that I thought was very cool, namely Datawatch Dashboards. The dashboards are flash-based, and they can tie into pretty much any data source (SQL, Excel, text file, etc). Here's a link to their demo site: [www.datawatchdashboards.com]

We once had a meteor shower in Zimbabwe, and on a clear night we can see the ISS, too. I think Harare should get a shuttle. Give us Enterprise, it's symbolic of our country: looks good, but nothing works! :)

I've got a Pearl. Admittedly, I expect some of my gripes would probably be reduced if I had something like the Bold which has the newer BB OS.

I really don't understand why people harp on about BBM and emails on BlackBerry phones. I've got a BB as a work phone and compared to my Android personal phone (and iPhone, previously), I think it's crap. It can't render HTML emails, there's no email threading, viewing attachments sucks, etc. It is better than Android

I wonder what OMG! Ponies! would have had to say about this post...

Yep, good shout on the reputable brands point; there's tons of budget and generic, 'look what I made in my basement' PSUs out there to be wary of. I know a few people that bought the cheapest one they could find, only to have it zonk out after a short period.

Most can these days - should be listed on the specs. One thing you probably need to keep in mind when buying, esp. if you're going for a pretty high spec. card is whether your computer power supply has enough oomf to support it (also taking into consideration what else you've got in your box that needs power - such as

Gizmodo's tagline used to be 'The Gadget Guide'. Where are all the cool articles about the latest hot gadgets and tech news? I notice now that the 'About Gizmodo' section on their site is blank, which I think speaks volumes. :(

@Whitson Gordon: Hmm, I suppose it depends on your usage. I used to love surrounding myself with gadgets, but these days my preference is to converge to as few devices as possible, rather than surrounding myself with dozens of gadgets which then start gathering dust. I don't spend much time at home, nor watch TV that

@FixMaster2K: What, emailing my grandma isn't l33t? I have a separate VM just for that, y'know! :P

What, emailing my grandma isn't l33t? I have a separate VM just for that, y'know! :P

Holy crap! I feel as if I'm under-performing as a geek with my single computer, after looking at the poll results & comments. I'm all about cloud services and virtual machines on a single box - does that count? Am I still in the club? Will I get to eat cake? Anyone?!

Interesting, first time I've heard about this format.

I have the same problem with the "uk." redirection. The only way I can think of getting around this is to use a proxy server to make your computer appear to be in the US. I use HotSpot Shield for this purpose when I want to access US-only services like Pandora and Hulu.