Because you asked that question
Because you asked that question
Xander should be gay
Or maybe they don’t entertain some people? Namely the people who vote in these lists?
“She won because she’s lucky as hell.”
Yeah, sure as fuck wasn’t because she spent weeks going door-to-door campaigning! Just luck! She didn’t do any work at all to make it happen. She just got lucky! You aren’t diminishing her at all with this completely balanced take that didn’t ignore any factors at all.
Yeah someone who gets young people excited is bad for the party. Better court them than internet people who parse over every word a politician says looking for a gotcha.
I’m Irish but have lived in Britain for four years now and I’m not sure where you’ve gotten the idea that a relationship and/or sex isn’t considered incest because it definitely is. At least I consider it incest and when for whatever odd reason It's come in conversation in the past those I've spoken to have considered…
That’s just the best news ever. This show is absolutely stunning. Probably my favorite new show of the year so far.
Look at Rupaul’s background in pop culture. She wasn’t around Black artists. She vibed with white alt culture. I really haven’t wanted to say that, but it’s true. As a Black woman who spent 6-12th grade in majority white communities, I made friends with white kids and can understand white folks more than some other…
This is, I think, part of what happens when you do a literal adaptation of a metaphorical work of fiction. In the book, Gilead just exists. Offred has no idea of it’s scope, power structure, or overall health. All she knows is she’s deep in it. Take that and try and world-building for TV mostly using one character’s…
CW is totally jelly of the upcoming
Never said you were a Trump supporter, actually. I simply drew a comparison between the “I don’t like this so I think we must all ‘take a stand against’ it” and the sort of us versus them anything-different-is-bad mindset of that subset of the US population. For what it’s worth, I’m sure many of them would agree that…
Case in point, perpetual crank irritant Baracka Obama dismissed my reply, so I’ll put it here to feast his fucking eyes on.
It’s more that you’re incredibly rude towards people and the writers and don’t contribute anything worthwhile and this site would be better off without you on it.
Queer people and people who enjoy queer culture, clearly. C’mon, take a stand against us and everyone else who finds things thrilling that this prick doesn’t! MAGA!
Exactly what type of person are you recommending society take a stand against?
I didn’t understand that, because I’m an idiot with excellent taste so I understand nothing but excellence. Regardless, thanks for making this thread so entertaining for me!
So can you just like block this person from posting again? I don’t think people would mind.
No, you’re right, I’m an idiot. But hey, bonus points for trolling me about Arrow, of all things.
It’s mostly just me. I am exceedingly shallow and dumb. It’s the XX chromosomes, I expect.