Ben Friend

The guy sitting in front of me was NOT having Marcia Gay Harden being in any scene. When she first popped up on screen, he shouted "OH, THIS BITCH"

My very favorite R.E.M. album, and I consider them my all-time favorite band. There's such a burst of creativity, vision and emotion in this album that can only really come from a band forced to restructure and redefine themselves. I mean, Walk Unafraid? Hope? You're In The Air? Sad Professor? Fuhgeddaboutit.


The AV Club

You can go where the sun don't shine, but just be ready to hear about how everybody is wearing black hats.

"I'm not choosing. I choose me. I'm choosing Olivia. And right now, Olivia is dancing… now you can dance with me or you can get off my dance floor." Olivia meeting her critics head on = writers meeting theirs head on? If their main character can finally accept what a mess she is, maybe that means the show is going to

When Carrie broke out crying in bed with Ayan, it was probably the first time in the series where I had no idea how she was actually feeling.

What really hit home with me in this episode: how the show is sneakily paralleling Noah and Cole's idealistic worldviews. One minute, Noah is getting lectured by his in-laws about pursuing art over more pragmatic pursuits (see: money), the next Cole is pontificating about the importance of preserving the image of