As well as Celine Dion and Ann whatshername..................this just took a horrible turn didn't it?
As well as Celine Dion and Ann whatshername..................this just took a horrible turn didn't it?
File under it's not as easy as it looks. I really like this series. If NASCAR had actually designed their series around the roads the moonshiners actually drove it could have been V8 supercars. By the way do you know if CBS is going to show anymore of these races?
Thanks for the rare photo of Pastor on the track.
Not to mention BTO, The Guess Who, Triumph, April Wine, Stepenwolf, Arcade Fire, Five Man Electrical Band, Nickelback(I know, I know) and Neil Young is Canadian. There's a bunch more.
I thought the drivers were taught to let go of the wheel before impact?
If they ran Vegas in July then we could watch the drivers spontaneously combust.
Pastor Maldonado can never say he's not well rested.
Sunset. Appropriate.
And don't forget the yodelers.
Starting the season at the Austrianalian Grand Prix. Why didn't I think of that?
This is too hard to resist. They've been letting Maldonado race with soft tissue damage for a couple of years. I guess when it's inside your helmet it's okay.
Looks like he just got his car back from the rumplers.
As badly as I would like to get into Maldonado about this it wasn't his fault.
I got the point after the first "don't say it baby". The rest felt like my ears were being taken out back to the woodshed. Tell us what we did and I'll promise not to do it again.
I really want F1 to be interesting but it looks like I should be ready to get excited about the fight for 2nd place.
All this happens one step at a time. He gains nothing by forcing Sauber to pack it in this weekend. He also has the support of the other drivers in the paddock. I'm fairly certain that support would begin to dry up if he forced that issue. If he went ahead with the contempt of court at this point it would appear…
Everyone seemed to be okay with this bird being at the track except McLaren. Evidently the bird was a full second quicker.
I agree. What's not to say it hasn't happened already.
Just read an article on Crashnet. The quote from Kaltenborn seemed to indicate that they knew what they were doing when they did it. They expected this guy to go away and be quiet. Looks they screwed the pooch here.
We can talk about how complicated all this is and what a mess has been created. I have one simple word for it. STUPID. Sauber did this relying on VDG to go away and not make waves. Maybe this type of thing has happened before ("maybe" was hard to type but I can't prove it so) and the driver has done nothing thinking…