Saw John Cohen at the auto parts store the other day and I overheard him say, "What do you mean the card wouldn't go through."
Saw John Cohen at the auto parts store the other day and I overheard him say, "What do you mean the card wouldn't go through."
Ok smartypants.:) But what we're talking about here is the degree of severity of the rules infraction. While I agree that the ballast falling off the car is dangerous, should it be more severe than knowingly committing an infraction the way Keselowski's crew did. I'm not saying I know for sure but it would seem NASCAR…
more ADD.
ADD=Attention Dumbass Disorder. Should read "makes the rules."
Rule #1.) NASCAR makes the rules and enforces them in any higglety-pigllety manor we see fit. Last rule.) When all else fails see Rule #1.
If lotus had a Homeland Security Maldonado would've been in Gitmo a long time ago. Don't let him anywhere near the Bunny.
I agree. A step in the right direction. Let's hope they keep going. Honda's design looks like it might have had some time in a wind tunnel. By comparison the Chevy looks like they used a box fan.
I just got done reading this and it occurred to me that there are a lot of drivers out there driving some very expensive cars that don't sound half as excited you racing a $500 car. Best wishes for your father and family. Keep up the good work.
The fact that isis might do something like this makes me angry. If someone did this as a joke and thinks it's funny, angrier. (If there is such a word.)
Okay, I did my best but I just can't avoid saying something. The whacking together thing makes me wince.
I wanted to go all neanderthal here but I think you used all the printable material.
Could be. Had a discussion with a touring car driver. The conclusion I came to , right or wrong, was that the technology was very similar but LMP1 made much better use of it due the freedom of application. Looks like F1 kind of screwed up by limiting development due to the rules.
I've been trying to resist this all since I saw your reply. I just can't. Oh yeah! Am not.
The fact that no criminal charges are being filed doesn't mean he didn't do it. NASCAR should stay it's course. I have said before that I have no compassion for men who abuse women, spouses or otherwise. While I am hesitant to label Kurt Busch an abuser, I believe some sort of program needs to be in place to make sure…
I read this and hit the reply button. Then I started to think about my attitude toward these types of things and confusion took over. The battle between the gentleman and the neanderthal starts up. Now it's back to therapy. Thanks a lot Stef.
This is where my interest in racing really takes hold. Being a great race car driver is one thing. Making the nuts and bolts go faster than someone else has a lot to do with the nuts and bolts. Thanks.
I think you just expressed the wish of every supercar and race fan in the world. If I ever got the chance to drive some of these cars this would be the decade I would want to live in.
Thanks. This will probably add a little good spirited debate to the conversation. It seems like the technology is comparable but the application is different. I do like the freedom of application in the LMP1 however.
I know in F1 when they introduced the new engine they also reduced downforce and yes the lap times have gotten slower. It appears to be a product of more torque being delivered at a lower rpm rate combined with the torque. It looks to me like they can't power out of the corners like they used to. Any thoughts?
What cars are considered the most technologically advanced now? I'm not challenging what you said. Would like to know.