
Hmm. I have mixed feelings. What he did was terrible but in general, I’m against criminals that have served their time continuing to be punished once they’ve been released. When you’re out, you’re out.

Surely his presence means that consumers will believe that this is an *official* Nickelodeon[r] licensed SpongeBob SquarePants[tm] set of plastic Confederate jewelry!

Y’know, there was a time once when I never saw myself doing that. Now, though? I mean, I have a joint custody arrangement with my ex that outlines a forfeiture of custody if a parent moves more than 100 miles away, but when my kiddo hits college, I can’t see any reason for me to stay here.

Jesus Christ. All the former Gawker sites should change their names to “Everything is Racist”. I am dyed-in-the-wool progressive, and I know racism exists and does real harm to people in myriad ways. Yet, somehow you guys literally turn every 3rd article into “X is racist!” just because it involves the issue of

So let me get this straight....if I’m reading the sarcasm correctly, I’m supposed to conform to the predominant mindset around here, and shun the rest of the world outside of this region, or I’m the closed-minded one? Despite the fact that I’ve fully accepted the willingness of others to cherish their ignorance and

Weirdest whore house ever.

What went into their Caucasian filter? An overlay of the elderly? more than anything, it just looks like it aged you 30 years.

They’ve already announced their first celebrity spokesperson.

I can’t wait for the day a transsexual stripper comes forward about the time trump paid her for a blowjob.

Very few people actually care about abused children.

Honestly, I can’t help but be deeply disappointed in these three. I was silly enough to think that Kids These Days knew better.

Woody Allen Gets Older but those high school girls stay the same age. Alright, alright, alright.

I don’t buy the fear argument at all. You don’t have to denounce a person to avoid working with them.

His stuff plays well with the pinkie arching types at Cannes who consider themselves the gatekeepers of serious “film as art” work, and some of these folks would like to be considered the type of actor who acts in those films.

My grandma and granddad have been separated longer than they’ve been married. Both of them are in long term relationships with other people but no one wants to spend that much on a divorce.

You’re right.

He already said he wouldn’t stop a cop from doing their job, they just can’t workout there. Did you not read the whole article?

Laughing my ass off at #Dutyfree. But let’s not pretend like these producers are not out here watering down Caribbean people music and then trying to call it “tropical house”.

PLEASE go read Monique Judge’s piece about this on The Root. It is fantastic.

I am so, so tired of the fat-bashing attendant to this whole Usher thing. It’s depressing as fuck, and it makes me mad as hell. Usher isn’t even good looking. I’m fat as hell, and have both dated and “dated” a bunch of guys much more attractive than that, and one nearly as rich.