
Rainex the windshield too!

Cleaned out the car hole over the weekend - made a trip to the dump.

@pauljones: I was going to say something similar (that's why you scroll the comments kids!)

watch it folks, Disney is one giant death trap - tons of people die there all the time

@tempesjo: yeah, then you have a miss-fire and kill some poor white kid... great idea!

@Peugeot: ahhh... the memories!

aside for some HP Driver issues (webcam on lappy GRRRR) i have had no issues whatsoever

hi, there is a typo - it's Foo, no "L" as in - "ima smack dis foo."

Coors light - its kind of everywhere, kind of "meh" but will get the job done when needed.

well, if brown is good enough for Steve McQueen, than it's good enough for me...

i was test driving Toyota's last weekend (i was bored ok) and i swear that the most dangerous place to drive on earth is the parking lot in a Toyota dealership.

Nice price for a week-end warrior track car

@shimi991: don't they use this one for older peeps who's skillz is no longer fresh?

@Baby beater Benz: judging by your comment i'm assuming that you are either..

@Scotty_Beezle: Most places that i know of have a 10% buffer zone... so in Ontario i can drive past the Police going 110kph and not worry about a ticket.

you see! why couldn't the President sign something like this?

you know, from that angle, from the rear doors back, it kinda looks like a Sebring...

@burke001: i think i found your desktop - i used tineye and got back a ton of hits