
@madmathias: i have had luck with DVD smith it's a one click affair

Nucking Futs... that is all i have to say to that story...

I got to 1:19 before i had to bail...

some of that stuff would be salvageable with a little de-blinging and some new paint... other stuff needs to go to the crusher.

@photophile: a Monte Carlo wishing it was dead

so, is part 2 going to discuss automated driver updates and stuff?

The Pontiac Aztec that Colby from Survivor won about 10 years ago...

@Elhigh: what if they're not from Finland? can they still be a carpenter like my buddy Jesus (the Hispanic guy down the hall not the lord almighty)

@rev_junkie: totally different type of car... an old Morris Minor would probably be better (three pedals and all the right bits in the right spot)

that is easy!

Really, i need to be "that guy" again?

@BigHarv: yeah? how about this one!

this thing, how do you deal with it? how do you talk to the cop who is going to give you a ticker without laughing?

WD40 and Rainex - all the time... it's like "catcher in the rye" for Mel Gibson in that movie where he is a nut. what was it called again? oh yeah, Lethal Weapon II.

i just use alcohol swabs... and that little stick that came with my earphones

they forgot the "WARNING: THIS SIGN HAS SHARP EDGES" sign

yeah, i am 100% against that idea...

I photoshopped the grandest photo of all time. just for you here...