
Urine big trouble if this happens to you while streaming wirelessly. Apple shouldn’t stall, and quickly offer something in loo of completely wireless if they are jockeying for a number one slot and want to keep a leg up. Offering a dongle could hold water. Maybe they should they slash the price on a replacement pair

This has nothing to do with Hillary, but to extend your analogy. Hillary = Apple: More of The Same. Trump = Note 7: New Look, Explosion and We All Die in a Fire. It burns! It burns!

This. Until manufacturers stop doing the “it’s only $30,000*” *(with government incentives) bullshit in their advertising it’s not feasible. Give me the actual price of the car. Tell me it’s $37,500. Tell me that up front. Don’t tell me about all these tax credits I’m not getting. The only way I’d get it is if I

Now playing

I recommend the song Redshirt by Johnathan Coulton that was made for the book of the same name by John Scalzi.

D 7...Miss