Matt G

The styling of the car is already dated.

They should just film another event and only sample a small amount from the German Grand Prix to show just how unlike them it is. I think it would be unreasonable for the only event that they are filmed to be one that’s completely out of character for them.

I sure hope it’s not frowned upon. You have to what you have to do to make things right. I don’t think there any other items that could be purchased that would be as soft, or have as durable bagging as manure. Granted the calculations are probably all figured out today to an acceptable precision that no one would find

Doesn’t sound like the officer should have been on duty much less have a badge if he’s suing. As for the security guard, I think there’s more to this than what’s appearing here.

Has every right to sue the state and should sue. They should also re-write the law, because that’s not resisting. The officer is a servant, not a judge. So at that point, it’s still a difference of opinion.

So if your a company theft and then ransom is ok without some sort of agreement amount the companies? People may not like the scouters. However in most cases it’s because they have never used them. It’s like people complaining about excess of taxis and Uber/lift in the area. It’s serve a purpose. As it’s motivated by

What are we 5? Shouldn’t need someone to tell you something is wrong when you are fully grown adult haha

Pretty sure you can dig dirt on every company that would make liable people not want to buy their stuff. That been said, your list is very small. That removes the Focus RS, and I sure hope you don’t have an iPhone, Macbook, PC, Verizon, yahoo mail...you get the point.

Complains about the company doing something unethical and deceptive, claims to to be above it. Turns around and does the same thing. Makes the buyback even more pointless than it already is.

This is hilarious, because diesles aren’t cleaner to begin with. Then on top of that, they are driving it a long distance to return it. Priceless!