This is gonna totally blow your mind: There is an entire field of psychology called child psychology. Children see psychologists all the time. Because children are people, and thus are susceptible to mental illness.
This is gonna totally blow your mind: There is an entire field of psychology called child psychology. Children see psychologists all the time. Because children are people, and thus are susceptible to mental illness.
Hey what about the story that Michael Weatherly sexually harassed Eliza Dushku on the CBS show Bull, and when she confronted him about it, she got fired. She got a $9.5 million payout.
Figure skater and Olympic medalist Adam Rippon was honored to share his buns of steel to his thousands of Twitter…
All the folks flooding my FB with her wedding photos....are they forgetting about Jesse James?
Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation
How dare
I love that the Satanic Temple makes it their beeswax to be as ridiculously litigious as they can whenever shit like this happens. They are good eggs.
IDGAF about sports, but right now I am feeling so damned much hometown pride for the Steelers.
The entire Steelers team today is hanging in the locker room during today’s national anthem. This is big.
Yeah, okay, I could get behind that option too.
No, I have a way worse lived experience and I am refusing to acknowledge as pain higher incomes, lower rates of incarceration, longer lifespans, better healthcare, and not being shot by police as somehow being markers of being “oppressed.”
I think she does mention it:
Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.
i’m confused. where in the article does it indicate graduating high school is some impressive feat. it simply reports on the graduate’s “traditional graduation photos” being inspired by beyonce’s “lemonade.”
Third eye open, well done.
It would depend on how much she ingested (snorted, I assume) and how much she weighs, but a quick google says that for even a small amount, the wait time is at least 24 hours.
This is like clapping for a teenager who decides move out of their parent’s house because they want freedom.